October 2022
What’s happened in September
- would like to welcome Ron Fellows-Turnbull as a new co-opted Parish Councillor. Currently he is a Councillor without portfolio so he can ease himself into the role for the next few months before taking on some responsibilities.
- has signed up to the NALC Civility and Respect Pledge.
- have been awarded a grant towards the cost of new playground equipment, which will be ordered shortly.
- has decided to arrange for 6 cuts to the ‘urban’ verges in the village for next year
- have initiated jointly with the Friday Lunch Club (MOPP), St Andrews Church group, the Village Hall Committee and the Fairlight Residents Association, a project called Warm Up Fairlight (details below).
- have launched a project named Christmas Cracker which is well under way (details below)
- Planning Committee has been planning its response to the new planning application for the Market Garden site.
- War Memorial Group has finally got all the permissions they need and have ordered the stone for the memorial.
- have booked tree maintenance work on Knowle Wood which will take place on 10th and 11th October.
- held a Freshers Fair alongside the jigsaw puzzle sale which raised funds for the village hall and awareness of some of the clubs and groups in the village.
Don’t use the slide! The slide in the play area of Wood Field Recreation Ground is corroded and in a potentially dangerous condition. The Parish Council have taken advice and made the decision to take it out of commission. The slide will be either repaired or replaced as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do not let your children attempt to play on it.
Tree maintenance work on Knowle Wood will take place on 10th and 11th October 2022. Please be careful when walking through the Wood as the contractors will have chainsaws and a mobile chipper.
Hastings Athletic Football Club have started playing under 11’s matches on Wood Field at weekends and Carly’s Forest School has started using Knowle Wood for their activities. Keep your eyes on the notice boards etc. if you wish to book on to one of Carly’s events.
The Fairlight Residents Association are now looking into taking the village sign project forward.
Warm Up Fairlight will start on Monday 17th October in the Village Hall. On Wednesdays we will be using the premises at St Peter Church as the village hall is being used, and on Fridays the small hall will be available for WUF for anyone who wants to come along. Everyone is welcome.
Each session is for all ages. We will start at 10am and run until 4pm. Come along for the whole day or just part of it. Refreshments will be available all day and a light lunch from 12 until 1.
Volunteers are also needed, not necessarily every week but we will have a Rota so you can give as much or as little time as you can.
Fairlight Christmas Cracker is a Parish Council project which will provide a traditional Christmas Day for the residents of Fairlight, including Christmas lunch, games, the King’s Speech, carols and much more.
It will be open to anyone, individuals and families of all ages, who would otherwise not be celebrating Christmas with others, you can spend the whole day, or pop in and out as the mood takes you.
Anyone wishing to help out or to book a place at the lunch table can contact Carol on 07967 396594 or by email cllrcsharpe.fairlightpc@gmail.com or find us on the community website fairlight.org.uk
The flu jab clinic has been booked for the Village Hall for the end of October for Harold Road patients. Anyone who is eligible can also go to the local pharmacies to get their flu jabs without an appointment. Those eligible for a Covid booster need to make an appointment at one of the vaccination centres.
There is a phone number for any emergencies at the Hastings Country Park This is a land line but is transferred to a mobile out of hours. The number is available on the Parish Council website or on the outside door of the Bale House.
Issy Horsley – Chair of Fairlight Parish Council Email: cllrihorsley.fairlightpc@gmail.com
Clerk to the Council: Pauline Collins 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings,
East Sussex, TN35 4AX
☎ 07487 822729 Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com