Now that the long and very hot summer has passed, we can restart normal activities. With that in mind the Parish Council are planning an event in the Village Hall where you can see the various groups and societies that meet regularly in the village and hopefully join in or volunteer. This event will be held on Saturday 24th September from 10 am until 1pm. Refreshments will be available, and also an opportunity to buy jigsaw puzzles. You will also be able to chat with the Community First Responders, and get some tips on how to get up if you fall, and have a go at CPR.
The Parish Councillors met informally last month primarily to look at the five-year action plan and update it with a view to setting the budget for next financial year. The budget for 2023/4 will be discussed during the autumn at the Finance and Administration Committee and Parish Council meetings before being finally adopted in January 2023.
Wood Field and Knowle Wood are now being used for some organised activities as well as by residents for recreation. Hastings Athletic Football Club will be using Wood Field on Saturday (and possibly Sunday) mornings for under 12’s football matches during the football season and then for two evenings a week for training. Also, Carly’s Forest School will be using Knowle Wood for its activities mainly with pre-school children. Both groups will be advertising around the village giving times of sessions etc.
Please be vigilant if exercising your dogs and pick up after them especially on Wood Field and in Knowle Wood. Also, we are looking to facilitate a group of volunteers to help with the maintenance of these areas. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the Parish Clerk.
The owners of the Market Garden site have submitted a revised planning application because the badger’s set has increased in size. The proposal to deal with this is to the reduce the number of parking spaces and the size of the enclosed bin store. This application will be discussed at the next Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday September 13th at 2.30pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend. The RDC planning reference no. is RR/2022/2069/P and the original planning reference no. is RR/2017/457/P. In addition, the Bale House has submitted an application to extend its opening hours; this will also be discussed. The reference number on Hasting Borough Council’s planning site is HS/FA/22/00601. Please also feel free to add your comments or concerns onto the Rother District Council or Hastings Borough Council planning sites. These are always helpful.
With the well publicised rises in the cost of living, the Parish Council will be looking into ways of helping those badly affected in our locality. We will be working in conjunction with local groups, organisation and ask any individuals who wish to help please contact the Parish Clerk. Details of further plans/events will be published shortly.
The Parish Council needs some residents to step forward and volunteer to work closely with us, either as Parish Councillors, as members of one of our committees or as an advisor that we can consult with on particular problems/projects. All Parish Councillors will be up for re-election in May 2023, so anyone who comes forward now wishing to be co-opted as a Parish Councillor would be able to see how we work before the next election. Anyone with skills or experience that they think might be of use to the Parish Council please contact Pauline, the Parish Clerk, or Issy Horsley, Chair for an informal chat.
Issy Horsley – Chair of Fairlight Parish Council Email:
Clerk to the Council: Pauline Collins 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4AX Tel: 07487 822729