As some of you may have already noticed there has been amended planning permission application for the Market Garden site. This application is necessary because the badgers sett on the site has enlarged and therefore some amendments have to be made to the building plan on the site.
The proposed applications main changes are that the turning circle will be reduced and that two parking spaces will be removed and that the enclosed bin store will be smaller. It would also appear that the proposal to have cycle parking within the bin store building has been removed.
I would not at this point wish in any way to pre-empt any decision of the Fairlight Parish Council planning committee when it next meets to consider this and other plans on Tuesday September 13 th. This meeting will be open to the public and the agenda will be published a week before.
I feel that residents should have a chance to look at the plans and if they wish independently to comment on them on the Rother District Council website under planning. Any contributions to the Fairlight planning committee meeting will be welcome.
The new plans are numbered RR/2022/2069/P
The previous approved plans are numbered RR/2017/457/P
Issy Horsley
Fairlight Parish Council