We are now collating the information in the returned survey forms.
If you have not returned your form yet please do so by Friday November 3rd.
The forms are still available on the Parish Council website / household survey 2023

The survey is your chance to let the Parish Council know about what you would like us to consider doing….or indeed not doing in the village, so that we can formulate our action plan for the next 5 years and start to budget for any necessary expenditure needed to carry out the action plan.

The response to the survey so far has been useful but we have not yet had responses from a large number of households.  This may be because you are happy with the actions the Parish Council has undertaken or has planned, however, if you don’t respond, your ideas will not be heard and therefore cannot  be included in our deliberations about the five year plan for developing resources around the village.
We need to hear from you to know what you want or need in the village.

Many thanks to those who have taken the time to respond

Issy Horsley
Chair Fairlight Parish Council

Fairlight Parish Council Survey