Dear Members and Friends

I am pleased to announce that tickets for Pygmalion are now available to purchase either via Fairlight Post Office or online at

Alternatively, you can phone our ticket hotline on 07377 915741.

All the feedback that we have received suggests that this is likely to be a very popular production so don’t delay … purchase your tickets as soon as possible.

Posters will be ready for distribution with the next day or two, so you have a slight head start before the world gets to know.

If you are able to display a poster, or are willing to assist with distribution, please let Lucy know at

Specific appeals will go out in a little while for people to help with building the set, and with hospitality during the performances. However, if you wish to volunteer your services, it’s never too early to offer.

One way or another, we look forward to seeing you.

With best wishes


Keith Miller (Chair)

The Fairlight Players

Pygmalion, 10th – 12th November