Harold Road Surgery is now called The Hill Surgery (Tel: 01424 755355) and is an amalgamation of:
Beaconsfield Road, Harold Road and Fairlight Road Surgeries

Prescriptions can be collected from Fairlight Village Hall 
Monday, Wednesday and Friday     12 – 12.45pm

Prescriptions can be collected from Pett Village Hall 
Tuesday and Thursday     12 – 12.45pm

Repeat prescriptions
Drop your repeat prescription form into the black letter box on the left-hand side of the surgery door at Fairlight Village Hall or hand it in to reception at Harold Road.
Please allow 5 working days before collecting.

Flu Clinics
Times will be updated in the Flu season

NHS (non emergency) – 111

Hearing Aid Maintenance Sessions are held in the Village Hall on the first Friday of each month between 10am and 12 noon.
Tel: 01323 722505 or  E-mail: mail@eshrc.org

East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre