
Graeme Gambrell is the current treasurer
Accounts can be found here
Card readers are usually begged and borrowed from the Fairlight Players and Hastings Bonfire


The event is normally advertised in:-
the appropriate editions of the Fairlight News.
the Facebook Groups
the community website, Fairlight Focus
Posters around the village 
Banners – where are they – who puts them up and where


The artwork is done by Mike Gorman.
He can usually knock up a poster very quickly.
Please do not use any artwork willy nilly. The stuff sent round for appraisal is not necessarily print ready. The advertising Elf will send out artwork produced for a specific job. 


There is a spreadsheet of previous years order numbers here
The Bar is set up inside the marquee
Shopping list


The Kytes often play at the event – Wendy is contact as her husband is in the band.
In 2022 we also had Steve Sinatra and Soul Town


The Pett Level Boys do a BBQ. They set it up and man it. The meats usually come from Pett Butchers.

Make a shopping list – buns, onions, sauces, toilet rolls

In 2022 we used Northiam Ice Cream who brought their mobile shop
Cakes in the clubhouse – sausage rolls


John Pulfer usually wanders round with a bucket all day
Where is the counting done and who by?

Documents & Forms

Temporary Event Notice
Risk Assessment
Insurance Certificate & Schedule
Premises Licence
Copy of RA & Insurance for stalls

Evacuation Plan

Is there one?

Event Space

Hay Bales were used in 2022 – where from?
Rope and pin – where from?
What other equipment is used and where is it kept?


Lights for the Marquee – where do they come from – who plugs them in and where?
Electrics for the bands – where do they come from – who plugs them in and where?
Do we have a qualified electrician to hand?
Electric connections need to be put in on Friday
Dig a trench – where

First Aid

Who provides the First Aid?


The tables are borrowed from the Village Hall
The chairs are provided as part of the package from Kent Marquees


In 2022 we used Kent Marquees at a cost of £2334. This included a 34’ x 84’ marquee, interior lighting, 50 x wooden folding chairs, 3 portaloos (inc 1 disabled) and a walk in trailer fridge.

Notices & Signs

Just Property normally put advertising signs up for us. We supply the artwork and they pay for them. 
There are various notices and signs that go around the event space – what are they and where are they?


Where does the PA system come from? Who sets it up? Is the same system used for the bands?
PA Setup document


Application form
Contact them with details of start and finish times etc


Could really do with better photography of the event.


Programmes are sold in the Post Office
Anywhere else?

Raffles etc

Have no information on this


We have a number of stalls for sale and some free to charities/groups
In 2022 the cost was £15 in the marquee and £10 on the field
Stallholders application form
Stallholders instructions

Task Sheet

Would it be helpful for us all to have individual task sheets to refer to

Tea Room

The clubhouse is opened as a tea room with volunteers bringing cakes for sale.
Who controls this?


Usually provided as part of the package from Kent Marquees
Set up a rota for keeping them clean


As well as the usual volunteers, we also had the Sea Cadets in 2022
We give food vouchers to the volunteers who stay long enough to warrant them
Stewards Briefing