Dear Resident,
I’ve been asked to remind everyone that the planning application to extend the opening hours of the Bale House, Hastings Country Park, is still live. Late comments from the public are likely to be considered if made promptly.
HS/FA/22/00601 | Variation of condition 3 (operational hours) of Planning Permission HS/FA/19/00303 (Erection of a new visitor centre – originally granted under HS/FA/14/01033). Amendment is to increase operational hours to 8am-9pm (for community use) Monday – Sunday. | Proposed Visitor Centre Hastings Country Park,(The Bale House), Lower Coastguard Lane, Fairlight, Hastings, TN35 4AB
To read the documents and to comment go to –
Best wishes,
Cllr Andrew Mier
Southern Rother Ward