CCTV cameras to junction of Waites Lane and Battery Hill.
Following storm damage to the Cove sign at the corner of Waites Lane and Battery Hill, power was lost to the CCTV cameras.
One councillor spent a lot of time finding out where the problem lay and exploring possible solutions.
To restore power to the CCTV either by underground cable or by solar panels would cost around £5000 plus annual on costs for power and/or connectivity.
In addition the Parish Council currently allows a budget of £1200 for maintenance, etc.
The Proper Officer does not recall any convictions arising from CCTV footage.
The presence of the cameras is reassuring to some residents and may provide a deterrent for would be criminal activity.
Technology has progressed a lot in the last few years and good quality doorbell cameras with a recording option are widely available at a reasonable cost. These provide security for households and a deterrent effect. The PCSOs and the Parish Council at DISH can provide information and advice about these including, if needed, help with setting them up.
The Parish Council would like to hear views on what options residents would like.
- The power to the CCTV cameras is restored at a cost of £5000 approx.
- The CCTV existing cameras are left in situ but without power as a deterrent.
- The Parish Council arranges for the PCSOs to work with residents to help install more door bell cameras.
The Safer Fairlight event on Tuesday January 16th will be an opportunity for residents to make clear their preferred options, or you can e mail the Parish Council, or drop in to the village hall between 10 and 4 on Mondays to discuss with a councillor
Issy Horsley