St Andrew’s Church will be opened daily from Sunday 2nd April between about 10am and 4pm.
For anyone who would like a Tower Tour, there will be an opportunity on Easter Monday from 2 to 4pm. There is a suggested donation of £5 for adults, children free. Children get a certificate for climbing to the top.
All our Easter services are listed on the notice boards at St Andrew’s and St Peter’s.
Early birds might like to join us for a Sunrise Service on Easter Day on the Firehills. It will take place on the mound opposite the Coastguard Cottages, starting at 5.40am. We will be joined by the Salvation Army and members of Ore churches. Breakfast will be served afterwards at St Andrew’s. It is a very special experience to watch the sun rise over the sea (clouds permitting) and to celebrate Resurrection Day. All welcome.
Valerie Hornsby