The FRA accepts that the use of the email scheme is an asset to the village. However, misuse of this facility can have a negative impact on residents and the reputation of the FRA, therefore, we are now publishing the revised guidelines for use of the scheme.
· The object of the FRA Email Scheme is to send news and matters of interest to residents in a timely manner.
· The scheme is open to any member of the Fairlight Residents Association and is free to use. Members may leave the scheme at any time by contacting .
· Emails are confined to matters of interest to Fairlight. There will be no spam or commercial advertising.
· Anyone can send in emails to but this is not a guarantee that they will be published. The FRA reserves the right to refuse to publish emails without explanation. If emails are suitable to send out, it is aimed that they will be sent within 24 hours.
· Fairlight Residents Association is non-political, non-religious. The email scheme will not be used for these messages.
· The FRA will not publish emails that the administrators consider to be discriminatory, bullying, offensive or abusive, in that the context is a personal attack, sexist or racist, or might be considered harassment.
· No responsibility is accepted by the FRA for errors.
· Any views expressed are solely those of the authors and not those of the Association or of the Committee unless stated.
· The sender’s name and email address must be included in the email. No emails will go out anonymously.
· The email provider, used by the FRA, only allows one bulk distribution email to be sent out by the FRA in a 24-hour period. Therefore, if multiple emails are received for distribution these will be amalgamated into one.
· Members receive a blind copy of an email.
Fairlight Residents Association Commitee