Fairlight Gardening Club is open to all residents of Fairlight and costs just £8 per household per year. This entitles you to monthly talks, outings and extensive savings at the Garden Trading Hut.
Monthly meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 2.30 p.m. in the Village Hall (excluding January). We like to choose speakers who can inform and entertain and cover a variety of garden-related subjects.
The Garden Trading Hut is open from the first Saturday in March until the last Saturday in October from 10.00-12.00. You will find the Hut at the top end of Lower Waites Lane opposite the Market Garden site. It is run by members of the Gardening Club so prices are very competitive and is stocked with everything you need for the garden, including food for our feathered friends. There is ample parking space for you to load up but we do have provision to deliver to those who are unable to transport supplies.

In July each year, we hold a Summer Show with a wide range of categories to attract as many entrants as possible. We are all amateur gardeners so have great fun in comparing our efforts and waiting for the judges’ results! We award prizes, certificates and trophies.
Brightening the Village Project
In May 2015, the Gardening Club decided to brighten up Fairlight with pots of flowers and plants at bus stops. With help and support from local businesses, the Parish Council and the Residents’ Association, and donations of plants from villagers, we had great fun planting up pots that created plenty of colour around the village.
This proved to be a very popular project so we then moved on to creating new flowerbeds on the Circle in the centre of the village. Once again, the local community gave us great support and in October 2015, digging started!

Weather conditions and heavy clay mixed with builder’s rubble, proved a real challenge but finally a small band of workers had dug out and prepared three new flowerbeds for planting. You can see the challenges that we faced but the results of all our hard work have been worth it and from early Spring, the bulbs popped up between the planting and months of colour began! The Circle beds have been a huge success and we always welcome help with weeding, planting and digging so do contact Sue (813006) if you would like to join us. We are also very happy to receive donations of plants or seeds to nurture for future planting.
As part of Fairlight Open Gardens 2018, the Circle was ‘opened’ as a garden and proved very popular with visitors who had great admiration for our community project.
If you would like to join us, membership forms are available from Cas Barlow, our Membership Secretary on 814229 or from the Gardening Hut.