Harold Road Surgery is now called The Hill Surgery (Tel: 01424 755355) and is an amalgamation of:
Beaconsfield Road, Harold Road and Fairlight Road Surgeries
Prescriptions can be collected from Fairlight Village Hall
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 – 12.45pm
Prescriptions can be collected from Pett Village Hall
Tuesday and Thursday 12 – 12.45pm
Repeat prescriptions
Drop your repeat prescription form into the black letter box on the left-hand side of the surgery door at Fairlight Village Hall or hand it in to reception at Harold Road.
Please allow 5 working days before collecting.
Flu Clinics
Times will be updated in the Flu season
Hearing Aid Maintenance Sessions are held in the Village Hall on the first Friday of each month between 10am and 12 noon.
Tel: 01323 722505 or E-mail: mail@eshrc.org