Halloween Quiz, sold out – waiting list

Dear Members.

It is with regret that I have to inform you that all tickets for the Halloween Quiz have now been sold!

We will be keeping a short list of ticket holders, who for whatever reason, cannot make it. If you wish to be put on a reserve list please do email me with your name, address, how many tickets you are looking for and a mobile number. Please bear in mind that no promises can be made and that notification may come quite late.

Thanks to all that have supported this worthwhile fundraiser, the Friday Lunch Club will be very happy to hear of the sales.


Chris Smart

Chairman FRA


Parish Council Meeting – 24th October 2023

Dear resident

Please click here for the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 24th October at 7.00pm

This is a public meeting so please feel free to attend.  If you have any questions on items on the agenda please could you let me have them prior to the meeting.

In addition, DISH will be open from 6pm with refreshments and information available



Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting – 24th October 2023

Dear resident

Please click here for the agenda for the next Parish Council Planning meeting to be held on Tuesday 24th October at 6.30pm

This is a public meeting so please feel free to attend.

In addition, DISH will be open from 6pm with refreshments and information available


Mrs P Collins

Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

Village People – Notes on Former Market Garden Site

Ongoing disruption from Market Garden Site, Lower Waites Lane.

Dear Neighbours

Had we known when we stuck our heads above the parapetthat it would be quite so difficult to engage Local Government and Sussex Police in resolving some of the discipline issues with the Market Garden Site, Lower Waites Lane we may well not have started. 

We now know that these issues have happened in the village before, albeit on a smaller scale, where builders essentially use the lanes as an extension of their permitted building site, flouting the planning conditions. In previous instances Rother District Council issued Planning Notices and the local MP Amber Rudd was helpful.

We dispute the view of some elected representatives that “Nothing can be done”. Our attempts to enlist the support of an independent facilitator to resolve problems never got going as the local mediation service is funded by Rother District Council and they identified a conflict of interest so were unable to help.

We’ll continue our ‘Incident Diary’ until the end of the build – whenever that may be as the Developers have now passed their original timescale with no end in sight. We also encourage residents to use social media and the letters page of local newspapers to raise awareness.

Following site-inspections by Rother Officers after eight months into the build in March 2023, the developers GemSelect were warned to abide by the Construction Management Plan which had the result ofestablishing a fire safety point, Health and Safety Notices, the on-site car park and the on-site turning circle to accommodate their delivery vehicles. Waste management systems were put in place, site workers pulled spoil and litter out of the stream and for a few weeks removed the solid line of workers cars/vans parked near the junction of Fairlight Gardens and Lower Waites Lane and along the northern end of Shepherds Way.

This summer residents living next to the Site posted videos on social media of the four music systems being played loudly and similar videos were made of the extraordinary shouting and swearing for Environmental Health and Sussex Police. Whilst the construction noise is inevitable, workers on the scaffolding and roofs start yelling at 8am and continue all day. Residents – some of whom work in the construction industry – consider the Site is a poor advert for anyone in the building trade who works to professional standards. 

We’ve recently been contacted by a resident who fell backwards into a hedge following an incident with a cement mixer and car, and by residents who’ve had accidents on the sharp stones on Smugglers Way – falls resulting in cuts and bruises, whilst mobility scooterusers have had their tyres punctured. Unannounced contractors working on the badger setts also caused alarm and distress. 

The central focus in future is whether the 16 houses meet the planning permissions granted in terms of measurements, height, position, garden size and drainage. For legal reasons we cannot comment at this stage.

During the winter months any residents living around the Site interested in meeting up are invited to our ‘Village People Get Together’ where you are guaranteed a sympathetic audience.

Our first will be on Sunday 12 November at 11am; the next on Sunday 10 December at 11am – both in the Meeting Room, Coastguard Café, Coastguard Lane, Fairlight TN35 4AB. 

RSVP me: paul.wilsonpatterson@gmail.com if you’re coming along, please.Best wishes, Paul Wilson-Patterson – Village People Network, Bramble Way, Fairlight Cove.

Chat with the Chair

Ever wanted to know what the FRA is all about?

Well, this is your chance to have an informal chat with the Chair of the Fairlight Residents Association.

Chris Smart will be attending DISH this Monday to hear your questions and suggestions.

A Bunch of Amateurs – tickets now on sale

Hello everyone

I am delighted to inform you that tickets are now on sale for our November production, A Bunch of Amateurs, by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman.

Playing dates are 9th-11th November.

With such names behind it, you would expect this to be a very funny play, and you’d be right.

I think we can also claim that it a most intelligent script, with a liberal smattering of culture … it’s even made me a fan of King Lear!

Tickets may be purchased online at https://fairlightplayers.org.uk/index.php/box-office/

Following the sad closure of Fairlight Post Office, we have lost our long-term “over the counter” box office. However, for those who really can’t cope with the online system, we have two options.

For personal service with a smile, our lovely Sue Evans will be on hand every Monday, between 10am and 1pm, at the DISH sessions at Fairlight Village Hall. Payment by card would be preferred, although cash will be accepted.

Alternatively, tickets will be available by telephone. A new, dedicated, phone line is being set up and we are currently waiting for the service provider to give us a telephone number.

As soon as we have that number, I will send another message with the details.

I hope that you will be able to join us for this production. As always, volunteers will be needed to perform the many behind-the-scenes tasks, and Sue will be very pleased to hear from you if can offer your services.

You can e-mail Sue at sueevansattheplayers@aol.com or give her a call on the new ticket hotline number when it is up and running.

With very best wishes


Keith Miller (Chair)

The Fairlight Players


FRA Quiz night, 28 October

Just over 3 weeks until our next event.  

Tables are limited so come and get your tickets from:

Village Hall during DISH on Mondays and 

MOPP’s on Fridays,

Hair Base, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

28th October, 7:00pm in the Village Hall.

A Halloween based Quiz. Devised by our very own Quiz Designer ‘Ronaldo’

Ticket prices are £10:00 each which will include a supper.  A bar & raffle will be available. 

Fancy Dress is not compulsory, although it would be good to see some ‘scary’ costumes. 

Prize for the best costume.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Wendy, Maxine & Pandy would like to remind you

that we will be welcoming everybody to our

MacMillan Coffee Morning

on Saturday Oct 7th at 10.30am onwards.

Tamarisk Cottage, Shepherds Way

The Bring & Buy Stall is looking very interesting already.

Children: Don’t forget to bring your designs for Colin the Caterpillar’s home.

See you there!

FRA Treasurer Position Available

Dear Member and Resident
An exciting opportunity exists!  We are looking to recruit a new member to our existing Committee to take on the voluntary role of Treasurer. 
The successful applicant would be responsible for management of the FRA’s income and expenditure on a monthly basis.
They would be required to report monthly to the FRA Committee with a balance sheet and present information regarding that period’s transactions. 
Additionally they would be expected to collate this account annually and report the financial status of the FRA at its AGM. 
The role holder would be a signatory for the FRA’s Bank account and would be expected to sign and approve any income or expenditure. 
Experience of budgetary control and IT software to assist with the monitoring of the FRA finances would be essential for the post holder. Full instructions and a handover will be provided to the successful applicant.
Expressions of Interest should be made to the Chairman of the Residents Association, Chris Smart via 

Hearing Aid help this week

Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 4th OctoberFairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12noon on Friday 6th October
If you have an NHS Hearing Aid come along to collect your free batteries and have your aids checked, cleaned and retubed

Speakers Corner

Just a reminder that the new season of Speakers begins on Wednesday 11th October at
2.30 pm at the Village Hall. 

Membership fee of £15 or £2 as a visitor.
Our first Speaker will be Pete Allen on “Entertaining Troops: stories from the theatres of War”.
We look forward to seeing old and meeting new members next week. Come along for an informative afternoon.

Abuse to Rescue 2 Teams in Fairlight

It has come to my notice that the Rescue 2 teams have been subjected to verbal abuse by residents of Fairlight. They are doing their work which has been welcomed by most of Fairlight and is ultimately for the benefit of the Village.

No one should receive abuse for doing their work. Please be patient if you have to have to manoeuvre round their vans occasionally whilst they carry out their work.

I will be working with the Rescue 2 teams and Southern Water to try to reduce this problem

For those of you who have welcomed the Rescue 2 workers and had Water Butts fitted, Thank You.

For those still waiting for their water butts they will get to you.

Issy Horsley
Fairlight Parish Council

Parish Council – Finance and Administration Committee meeting – 3rd October 2023

Please click here for the agenda for the Parish Council’s Finance and Administration meeting to be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 7pm in the Village Hall

Members of the Public are welcome to attend



Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

FRA Quiz night, 28 October

The FRA are proud to announce its next fund-raising event!

28th October, 7:00pm in the Village Hall.

A Halloween based Quiz. Devised by our very own Quiz Designer ‘Ronaldo’

Tickets are on sale at the following locations:

Village Hall during DISH on Mondays and MOPP’s on Fridays.

Hair Base, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Ticket prices are £10:00 each which will include supper.

Bar, Raffle, Fancy Dress!

Prize for the best Fancy Dress!!

Jigsaw Puzzle Sale

Dear Resident

There will be a Jigsaw Puzzle sale this Saturday 23rd Sept. 10.00am – 1.00pm in the Village Hall.

There will also be a selection of various second-hand books available.

Tea & coffee, cake and bacon butties will also be on sale.

All proceeds go to the Village Hall Funds.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Thank you, but at the moment, I do not need any more donations.


Thank You

St Peter’s Church Centre would like to thank everyone who came and supported their Macmillan Coffee Morning.

It wa a marvelous morning and raised over £800 for Cancer Support.

Thank You

Update from Southern Water on leaky water butts installation

Matthew Johnson of Southern Water came to DISH this week along with the Rescue 2 workers. As well as enjoying the hospitality, it gave them a chance to chat to some residents.

He would like to meet with residents interested in the Pathfinder Project for an informal update on how the project is going.
He is working with Rescue 2 on installing the Water Butts and surveying the highway drains and the sewerage pipes in the village in this, the first stage of the Pathfinder Project.

He and his line manager, Angus Cramp will be at DISH on Monday October 2nd at 12 o’clock to give a brief update on the water butts installation  and answer any questions residents may have.
We look forward to seeing you then.

Fairlight Parish Council

Parish Council – Planning Committee meeting – 26th September 2023

Dear resident

Please note there will not be a Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday 26th September 2023 due to no planning applications being received to discuss.


Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

Fairlight Preservation Trust – Used Ink Cartridges

Dear Resident

Do you ever wonder what to do with your used printer ink cartridges?

I have a solution for you, and that is from this Saturday 23rd September there will be a collection box in the Village Hall for you to deposit ink cartridges which, when collected will be sent away to raise money for the Fairlight Preservation Trust.

Every little helps!

You can also help by joining the Trust and it doesn’t cost much, just £10 per person for 3 years.

A membership form is attached or available from me.  Thank you to all existing members.

The AGM this year is on Sunday 19th November at 2.30pm in the Village Hall.

Jill Lewing

Membership Sec.
