Dear resident
Southern Water Fairlight Pathfinder Project Update.
Friday marked the first full meeting of the Southern Water Fairlight Pathfinder Group of which we are founder members. The group is now chaired by Sally-Ann Hart MP who is fully engaged in this project.
Much interesting work and detail was covered and two new engineering members of the Southern Water team with direct responsibility for Fairlight were introduced.
Things that will hopefully slow the flow of wastewater in our sewer system resulting, hopefully, in a big reduction of contaminated water spillages, will happen soon now. You will also notice increased activity by Southern Water and their contractors around the village as a large number of wrongly connected drains have been discovered among other anomalies.
Now for the really exciting news.
Within the next four weeks every household in Fairlight will receive a leaflet through the post explaining fully about the “leaky waterbutts” program and how they work. Fairlight has been allocated up to 1,000 of these with all costs being borne by Southern Water.
Shortly after you receive these leaflets engineers from Southern Water and their contractors will be knocking on doors and asking if they could survey your rainwater downpipes to see which ones would be suitable for a “leaky waterbutt”. They will, hopefully, also give you the option of converting any waterbutts you may already have. Then, if you’re agreeable, an order will be placed for the installation on your property. The installations will take place fairly quickly after completion of the survey. Remember that there will be absolutely no charge for any of this.
NB: All these people will carry official identification so please be sure to check it before allowing them on your property.
So look out for the leaflet where all details of this project will be found.
In the meantime anyone feeling like reading our joint authored report published earlier this year can find it by clicking on this link.
Lower Waites Lane – Fairlight Cove – Maintenance Association