Due to one of our loyal supporters moving house, the Fairlight Players are in urgent need of storage space for items of scenery/props etc.
If you have some spare space in a garage or outbuilding, we would love to hear from you.
As an entirely voluntary community group, we can’t afford to pay commercial rent, but could offer a nominal rent if required (or free tickets to our shows).
The items to be stored are things like fireplaces and balustrades, and a few plastic storage boxes, things that we would use from time to time, but nothing of great value.
We would only need access to the space very occasionally, a couple of times a year to fetch out bits that we need, and a couple of times to put them back again.
We just need somewhere dry and reasonably secure. We’ll even help you tidy up a space if necessary.
If you can help us, you would be doing a great service to the community in helping this well-loved local group to continue to entertain the people of Fairlight as it has done for almost 75 years.
Please contact me at contact@fairlightplayers.org.uk or call me on 01424 812235 if you think that you might be able to help.
Thank you and best wishes
Keith Miller (Chair)
The Fairlight Players