Activate Fairlight Youth Club meets on Wednesday evenings at the Clubhouse on Wood Field from 6 – 7:30pm and is open to children and young people from in and around Fairlight aged 9 years and up. We also have a group of youngsters working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards with the club – this starts from age 13/14years old and the group meets on Monday evenings.
We will be holding our AGM on 21st March at 7:30 at the Clubhouse on Wood Field – if you would like to find out more about what the club is up to or would like to get involved please come along to the AGM or get in touch. We always welcome volunteers to help with sessions or to talk to youth club members about their hobbies, interests or lives and we are keen to welcome new members to our friendly group.
Please do come along to the meeting, or get in touch with us at if you would like to find out more
Activate Fairlight Youth Club AGM