If you have not already done so, this is a reminder that the FRA annual membership subscription for 2024-25 is now overdue. The subscription is £8 for the year.
If you have not paid by the date of the AGM (22 May), you will not be able to receive the June magazine and will be taken off the email scheme.
You can pay either via online banking (preferable) or by cash or cheque.
Online banking
Account: Fairlight Residents Association
Sort Code: 60-10-15
Account No: 60707666
Ref : ‘Your address’ ( house name / number & road name, not post code)
Cash or Cheque
Cheque payable to: Fairlight Residents Association.
Post or deliver to Membership Secretary, Harlo, Hill Road, TN35 4AE.
Or you can drop it off at the:
- Village Hall, during DISH (Mondays),
- Royd, Broadway (3 house after the village hall)
- Badgers, Brair Close
Please provide name and address details.
Thank you