Hello everyone
Just a quick reminder that Improbable Fiction opens just two weeks from today.
If you haven’t yet purchased your ticket, you can do so in the normal ways, either by visiting Fairlight Post Office, or online at Box office – Fairlight Players
(note – some people have had trouble finding the online box office, particularly when using a mobile phone, but the above link should take you straight to the page that you need)
If you have any trouble, don’t hesitate to contact Sue on 07377 915741 and she will sort you out.
As always, we will welcome volunteers to help with hospitality and other jobs throughout the performance run, and Sue will be happy to hear from you if you would like to help.
For those who know which way around to hold a screwdriver, feel free to drop into the village hall at any time this Saturday, when the task of building the set commences. Our set-building supremo, Trevor, will almost certainly be able to find something for you to do.
Finally, we are in need of a motorcycle crash helmet to complete our wardrobe collection. Size relatively unimportant, as it will be carried, not worn.
If you happen to have such an item that you don’t need to use for a week or two, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please just respond to this e-mail.
This one is going to be a lot of fun. Don’t miss it.
We look forward to seeing you.
With best wishes
Keith Miller (Chair)
The Fairlight Players