From: Paul Wilson-Patterson (

Our efforts to reduce the daily nuisance/disruption from the former Market Garden building site in March/April 2023

Dear Residents – we are a network of villagers (The Village People) who object to the developer’s, GemSelect/Future South Homes, continuing breaches of planning permission.

On Wednesday 12 April we asked Rother District Council Planning Officers to provide updates to the high number of villagers who took the time to read the Construction Management Plan and completed a Breach of Planning Condition Complaints Form.

Anti-social behaviour (Actions)On Tuesday 28 March we had a positive response from Mr Cowley, the Site Manager, about the 3 workers loudly swearing on Saturday mornings. Since then the site has been closed for the last three Saturdays, a welcome respite.

Two Officers from the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) were due to visit the Former Market Garden Site week ending April 14th.

We’ve requested leaflets from them about reporting Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) for residents who don’t have a computer/mobile phone. PCSO Becky Unicombe has offered to drop off ASB leaflets at the Village Hall.

We’ve also written to Carol Studley, the Community Safety Co-ordinator at Rother, who may be able to help us. We await a response.

Badgers (Response)Jane Howard, the Office Manager of MP Sally-Ann Hart, has written to Rother Planning Enforcement who confirmed that they, and a Sussex Police PC, inspected the boundary and state it is in the correct place, although they acknowledge, “There have been problems with the fencing blowing down/falling.”

Mr Cowley also answered our badger query confirming, “I can assure you that we are working to the latest approved drawings which have been set out by a professional surveying company.”

Blocking of junctions, driveways and roads (What to do if it happens again)The correct approach is to ask politely for them to move. If they refuse, make a note of their vehicle registration number and ring the Police on 101.

Cement spillage (ongoing)The lumps of dried cement spillage are still on Pett Level Road from the first two incidents. A further spillage on Friday 14 April dribbled a line of cement from the roundabout on Shepherds Way along Bramble Way and down Smugglers Way. Site workers were sent to shovel it up. The cement mixer incidents are all from the same contractor, but with different drivers.

Damage to road surfaces particularly bottom of Smugglers Way and top of Rockmead Road (ongoing)Rother have told us that East Sussex Highways are aware of the issues. We’d be happier if Highways were able to clarify in writing how the ‘making good’ process works.

Damage to property (ongoing)Resident complaints about damage to Fairlight Garden’s garages by site workers should be made in writing to Mr Cowley. If you have photos of the damage that would help. His contact is 07541200509 or email
You can also email

Debris in the stream (ongoing)Concerns about waste management have been raised with Waste Water and Environmental Health. Large amounts of mud falling into the stream is considered a contaminant, as it may cause a blockage. We spoke with The Environment Agency. Residents need to report to their Call Centre on 03708 506 506. Issues with heavy rain and large amounts of mud falling into the stream can be reported on their 24 hour confidential Incident Line 0800 807060.

Failure to provide a Schedule of Works (ongoing)Mr Cowley, at our request, now sends a weekly update via the Fairlight Residents Association email scheme.Aside from a brief flyer early in 2022, there has been no letter-drop or newsletter/leaflets/posters for residents who don’t use email.There has been no response to our request for the names of key staff from ‘Future South Homes’ and their building credentials.

Levels on-site queried by residents following their Site Visit (ongoing)Do the constructed roofs’ height for Plots 1 – 6 match the planning permission?Clarification about the bin stores for Plots 1 – 6?A concern about the height level of the turning circle, as it looks level with the top of a resident’s garden fence?

Mud on roads (ongoing)For several days at the end of March there was wet slippery mud outside the site entrance on Lower Waites Lane for pedestrians wearing normal outdoor shoes and not wellies. Plus lumps of mud from the waste lorries up Smugglers Way on Wednesday 19 April.

Parking of sub-contractor vehicles (ongoing)The rules are: ‘All contractors, workers and visitors will be informed that absolutely no parking is permitted on any adjoining road or public highway or verge.’ The on-site car park is now being used for materials storage, so some site vehicles are parking on the south and north ends of Shepherds Way. 

Vehicles not driving directly onto site but reversing/manoeuvring/turning off-site in Rockmead/Smugglers Way (ongoing)Vehicles ignoring the ‘no reversing/manoeuvring/turning off-site’ rule have been reported to Rother Planning Enforcement Team as a weekly occurrence during 2023. There were a few weeks of improvement following our open letter to the Chief Executive of Rother on Friday 10 March about health and safety concerns. However on Tuesday 11 April two planned timber frame delivery vehicles arrived at the same time; one reversed up Smugglers Way, sat blocking Rockmead Road and then reversed down Smugglers Way onto the site. There are ongoing issues with delivery vehicles travelling at speed, driving on the pavements and general impatient/inconsiderate driving with pedestrians and others.

Thank you for reading; hopefully our May update will include more improvements.

If you need any help to report any issues about the site you can contact Cllr Andrew Mier or go to the Drop In Social Hub run by the Parish Council on Monday’s at the Village Hall. All contact details are on

Notes on the former Market Garden site