Fairlight Preservation Trust

(Registered Charity Number 1107169)

16 Lower Waites Lane
TN35 4DB

Dear Residents or fellow member,

Over the years the Preservation Trust has cleared the drainage ditch at the top part of Rockmead Road opposite the landslip area, (From Argosy to the first bend of the road) either with the help of volunteer labour or by using professional companies. However, and unfortunately very soon after it has been cleared weeds and debris start to block it again.

It is very important that we keep this ditch clear and keep the water from lying in the ditch and seeping into the ground, so with this in mind the Trust has reached agreement with Rother District Council for a company (Booker and Best) to make improvements to this section of the ditch. By laying Pipes.

The Trust will continue to work with Rother to monitor and keep these pipes and silt traps clear, any help that residents can give us with this will be much appreciated.

It is proposed that this work will start on Tuesday 20th September and completed by Friday 23rd September. The road will not be closed but there may be some delays, so if you are able to use another route and avoid this area while the work is taking place it would be very much appreciated.  We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

There will be some signage put in place while the work is taking place.

If you need any more information, please contact Paul Capps 01424 812107 or paulcapps@btinternet.com.

May we thank you in advance for your help and forbearance.

Paul Capps

(Chairman Practical Subcommittee)                               16th September 2022

Protecting Fairlight now and for future generations.

Rockmead Road Drainage