We are relaunching our Pett WI appeal .
We now have 2 boxes in the Village.
The first is outside the entrance to the Village Hall and the second is outside Witchwood, 57 Lower Waites Lane
Thanks go to Penny and John Eveleigh.
We will shortly be announcing 2 new donation locations in the village as well.
A reminder to everyone attending the play in the Village Hall today and tomorrow.
The Fairlight Players are asking for donations to be brought to the hall for collection and are also donating the programme donations to the Food Bank as well.
So please bring a tin or packet of something non perishable with you and bring some cash please.
A huge thank you goes to the Players for their generosity!
Sally Watson
President Pett WI
Sally Watson
Volunteer Organiser for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
East Sussex