Dear FRA Members
For those of you interested in the Market Garden site here are our notes from our recent meeting:
Village People, November Meeting about the Market Garden site, Lower Waites Lane
Present: Anna, Chetz, Cliff, Liz, Paul, Wendy
Observed a two minute silence for Remembrance Sunday
Where are we now?
Whilst accepting there is a housing shortage and that the Developers won planning permission from Central Government on appeal, there is disappointment over the overbearing presence of this new housing estate and the conduct of individuals from the Developers/site workers/delivery drivers along with our resulting loss of amenity
Evidence of breaches of planning conditions in the Construction Management Plan and various documents were shared
Concerns were shared for the welfare and stress levels of all residents living around the site
Concerns were shared for the badgers, wildlife and general dismay at the litter and rubbish which can be seen by those who overlook the site and walkers on the 1066 Coastal Path that runs alongside
Queries over the height of the houses and size of the gardens
Concerns over site sewerage connection pipes, materials stored along the entire length of the stream and debris in the stream
Uneven surfaces, mobility scooter tyre punctures and pedestrians falling over on Smugglers Way
Queries over ownership and maintenance of the roads/sub soil/stream
Concerns whether the road outside the site entrance will be repaired, especially the man-hole cover which is now proud of the road
Obstructive parking on Waites Lane over the bus stop, causing passengers with shopping to step off the bus down a large drop
Site workers leaving boots outside their parked vehicles, eating lunch and throwing banana skins, sandwich wrappers and drinks containers out of their vehicle windows onto the main road
Don’t necessarily want bus stop markings and yellow lines as this is a village, but want to maintain the appreciation of our village life
Cement mixers/lorries failing to use the Site Access Route and turning at the junction of Broadway and LWL, there are no lights or pavements
Due to poor storage the delivery vehicles are still having trouble getting onto site and using the turning circle
Failure of a large number of site sub-contractors to observe basic health and safety rules i.e. equipment
No response from directors of the Developers to complaints
One resident receives replies from the Site Manager
Sussex Police claim they are unable to respond to noise and swearing even though Neighbourhood Watch describe these actions as Anti-Social Behaviour. Police Community Support Officers have not carried out any foot patrols around the Site to reassure residents
Swearing is a problem in society, but the site obscenities are so loud it stops residents sitting out in their gardens or working from home as the loud music/noise comes through double glazing
When is the road on Smugglers Way going to be resurfaced
There are other plots in the village up for sale which could experience the same issues
Where do we want to be?
We would like everyone to work collectively to do as much as we can to reduce noise, nuisance, disruption, avoid flooding, future sewage issues and road traffic accidents
Like more support from villagers who are not directly affected and to encourage a greater understanding of the impact the build is having
Request a Community Meeting so we can have our concerns answered by the Developers and various Local Authorities who have responsibility for ensuring residents’ welfare and enforcing the rules for construction sites
Like clarification from GemSelect of the new Schedule for the Construction works as they are over time
Want Rother District Council to adopt a policy so all Developers with whom they work are part of a ‘Considerate Contractor’ scheme or at least have a complaints procedure
Work with residents and photographers to get images of the construction works in progress and the impact on villagers and local amenity to aid press releases and reports published online
How are we going to get there?
We are able to communicate with many residents via the Fairlight Residents Association Email Scheme and a Facebook Page called ‘ What’s Going On In Fairlight’ – although the latter is open to a wide audience so health and safety comments draw negative and undermining responses. Also the Webmaster publishes our Notes on under a button Market Garden Site
We can submit articles for Fairlight News
We can ask Fairlight Parish Council or the Fairlight Residents Association to hold an evening Community Meeting
Create a ‘Village People’ Community Safety Facebook Page, to address and move forwards some of the issues e.g. vehicle movements and parking. Many of the committees in Fairlight don’t use technology or social media to engage villagers who work during the daytime and younger people
Engage with local groups, outside bodies, watchdog type organisations and agencies
Contact no-win no-fee solicitors for personal injuries and property damage claims
Consider making Freedom of Information requests
Village photo shoots, both organised and impromptu, for press purposes
Create a What’s App Group for people around the site to alert each other to dangerous driver days and ensure reports to Police
Continue with complaints logs to Rother District Council Planning Team and Environmental Health
Continue to raise issues with East Sussex County Council, MP, Sussex Police, Ombudsman and Planning Inspectorate
Thought for the day Perseverance
Next meeting: Sunday 10th December, 11:00 – 12:30, Coastguard Cafe.
Invitation is for residents and other interested parties who might be able to assist us.