Parish Council Committee Meetings 13/06/23

Dear resident

Please note that both the Planning Committee and Finance and Administration Committee meetings due to be held on Tuesday 13th June at 2.30pm onwards have been cancelled.


Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish CouncilKerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

Anniversary Help!

In order to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of Pett Methodist Church, the church is organising a special weekend of art and flowers. Saturday & Sunday 17th & 18th June. There will be refreshments: tea/coffee & cakes, homemade soup and a Bring & Share lunch on the Sunday after the service, (normal time of 10.45am). Our special service on Sunday will be led by Rev Dawn Carn.

We want to make sure that all our members and friends are aware of the event and know that they are invited. 

If anyone is able to help in any way then that help will be very much appreciated. Cakes are definitely needed, as are stewards, refreshment servers and Welcomers with friendly faces! Raffle prizes are also needed for the Saturday Raffle.

Offers of help, please, to Wendy Hatch

As well as the art & flowers, the Archive Resource Centre will be putting on a historical display and The Kytes will be singing unplugged on Sunday afternoon.

Please spread the word.


Wendy Hatch

Fairlight Open Gardens

Once again, village residents will be opening their gardens for the ever-popular biannual Fairlight Open Gardens for two days, Saturday and Sunday, July 1st & 2nd.  

This event, kindly sponsored by Just Property, hopes to raise much-needed funds for local charities, including MOPP, Fairlight Playgroup and Nursery, and Community First Responders.  

Tickets, valid for all gardens on both days, will be available from next weekend at The Village Stores and Garden Gems, plus at any of the gardens on the day. £8 per person, children free.

Refreshments, including tea, coffee, cakes, savory snack, ploughman’s lunches, and cold beer and wines are available at various gardens. Plus of course, The Cove Pub and Restaurant will be open on both days from midday. 

Here’s hoping for some lovely summer weather! 

Free hearing aid batteries & Maintenance


A local NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance session is being held this week at:

Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12noon on Friday, 2nd June

If you have an NHS Hearing Aid come along to collect your free batteries and have your aids checked over, cleaned and retubed


Unfortunately next week’s session scheduled for Pett Village Hall on Wednesday 7th June has had to be cancelled

For further information please call East Sussex Hearing on 01323 722505

From: Robert Pasterfield

Former Market Garden Site w/c 30/05/23

From: Piers Cowley (

Dear Residents,

We will be back on site on Tuesday due to the bank holiday.

On Tuesday there will be a crane on site to lift the trusses into position on plots 14,15 and 16.

The groundworkers will continue digging the foundation to plot 11, fixing the rebar Wednesday and pouring concrete Thursday.

The roofers will continue on plots 1 to 6.

The electrician and plumber will finish 1st fix to plots 1 to 6 and then it will be insulation and carpentry 1st fix and plasterboard.

The brickie will continue external brickwork to plots 1 to 6 following on after the roofers.



Fairlight Village Sign, Unveiling Ceremony

Dear Resident

The long awaited new village sign will be unveiled on Saturday morning on the 3rd June.

We have been extremely fortunate to be honoured with the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex who will be carrying out the unveiling!

Following a short speech, the sign will be unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant shortly after 10:00am that morning. Protocol dictates that the Lord Lieutenant should arrive last at this type of function, so I am asking that if you would like to witness this unveiling would you please arrive at 9:30 promptly. There will be NO parking spaces available as we will be gathering on the forecourt of the post office and the Lord Lieutenant will require a parking space. A small marquee may be erected should the weather be unfavourable, but this will be for dignitaries only so do please bring a brolly if it looks like rain.

The new sign will be unveiled almost in its original location. However, East Sussex Highways have asked me to move its position a little further up Battery Hill for safety reasons.

The placing of the new sign will be commemorating 100 years of the first home to be built in Fairlight and the 75th anniversary of the Fairlight Residents Association. I look forward to seeing you there and helping the FRA mark this historic chapter in Fairlight’s grand history. NOTE please do bring a camera if you are coming, and then send the shots to the editor of the FRA Magazine, Carol Sharpe as we would like to print the best ones in the next FRA Magazine!

Christopher Smart

FRA Chairman

Results of 4 May District Council Election

Dear Resident,

I still meet electors who have not heard the result of the 4 May Rother District Council election and am aware nothing until now has gone out on the FRA email scheme. 

Elections were held on 4 May 2023 for all Rother seats, with counting the next day.

The composition of the council is now –

PartyNumber of Seats
Conservative10 (-5)
Rother Association of Independent Councillors8 (+1)
Lib Dems7 (no change)
Labour (6) + Lab & Co-Op (2)8 (+6)
Green3 (+2)
Independent2 (+1)

In Southern Rother Tim Grohne (Con) and I (Lib Dem) were returned to represent the ward. I congratulate Tim on his election and commiserate with the unsuccessful candidates.

Councillors represent all electors, irrespective of party allegiance.

As before no one party has an overall majority, and an Alliance of Rother Association of Independents, Labour, Lib Dem and Greens is being formed.

The most significant features are the rise of Labour and the Greens, and the reduction in Conservative seats. Lib Dems retain the same number of seats as before (though some in different wards). Independents have increased by one.

In cabinet (a political body) Rother Association of Independents will have 4 seats, Labour 3, Lib Dems 2, Green one.

Unfortunately the two Lib Dems will be the only non-Bexhill cabinet members. By way of counterbalance one rural member, Cllr Sue Prochak MBE (Robertsbridge), will be joint Deputy leader with Cllr Christine Baylis (Lab, Bexhill). Cabinet portfolios will appear on the Rother website in due course.

In nearby wards there were some developments of note. Rye and Winchelsea returned two Labour members in place of a Lib Dem and a Conservative. There was no change in Eastern Rother (2 Cons) or Brede and Udimore (1 Con). In Seddlescombe and Westfield Jonathan Vine-Hall (RAI) stood aside and Beverley Coupar (RAI) was elected in his place together with sitting member Cllr Carl Maynard (Con) the Conservative group leader and our County Councillor. Jonathan Vine-Hall (previously planning chair) stood in Northern Rother but was unsuccessful.

I note that 16 of the 38 councillors are new to the role.

Chair and Committees

Cllr Vikki Cook will be Chair for the year, with Cllr Richard Thomas as Vice-Chair. Chair of the Council is a largely honorific and representational role, though the Chair presides over Full Council meetings and is an ex officio member of all committees.

Membership of committees is determined in proportion to each party’s representation on the council.

By tradition and following good practice the Overview & Scrutiny Committee is chaired by a member of the opposition party, in this case Cllr Paul Osborne (Con, Eastern Rother).

I (Andrew Mier) shall chair the planning committee but will not have Jonathan Vine-Hall’s planning policy brief, nor his place in cabinet. My fellow ward councillor Cllr Tim Grohne (Con) will join me on the planning committee

Membership of other committees will be available on the website – Agendas for the formal first meetings of Planning, Licensing, Overview and Scrutiny, and Human Resources are already available and contain the names of all proposed committee members.

Full election results and Councillors’ contact details are available on Rother’s website.

Emails –  and

Best wishes,

Cllr Andrew Mier

Fairlight Residents Association – Annual General Meeting – 24 May 23

Dear residents,

This is a reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held in the village hall, this,Wednesday 24th May. at 7.30pm

The AGM business will be followed by a free glass of wine and a talk by a representative from Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat

We are always on the lookout for new committee members to keep the FRA fresh and alive. Enabling us to best meet the needs of the village.  If you are interested in joining the committee or want to know more, please speak to Chris Smart of any of the committee, or come along to the AGM and chat to us there.
Click here for the 2022 AGM minutes and the FRA constitution.

New play equipment

The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the new play equipment has been installed in the play area on Woodfield recreation ground.

The train has  an accessible carriage.

The tunnel and climbing area is aimed at toddlers.

Please go up and have a look ……and a play!

Activate’s 25th Birthday Bash

Don’t forget Activate’s 25th birthday bash today, starting at 4pm with fun for the younger folk and ending with the wonderful Kytes in the evening, who could want anything more !

There’s a cake making competition, candy floss, ice cream and BBQ.

Come and meet crew from Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat and have a go at ‘ play you’re cards right’ .

We look forward to seeing you all. Oh and what’s more, the sun is meant to shine all day, perfect x







WINE AND CHEESE EVENING TICKETS £5 in advance (call 01424 814178) or £6 on the door.

Ticket to include glass of wine & cheesey nibbles

Grand raffle in aid of Pett Level Inshore Lifeboat

SUNDAY 21 MAY  10.30 to 4PM


Tea & coffee served all day

All the works are by local artists with a wide variety of subject matter and styles


Fairlight Friday Lunch Club Outing

Fairlight Friday Lunch Club have an outing on Friday 16th June 2023 to ‘The Pilot’ at Dungeness for a Fish and Chip Lunch and we have a few spare places available on the coach. 

We will be leaving the Village Hall at 10.30am and return by 3pm.  The cost is £22 which includes travel and lunch of small cod and chips, peas and bread and butter, coffee and tea.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Annette on 07703585329 or email

Many thanks

Kind regards
Annette Holmes

Co-ordinator of Fairlight Friday Lunch Club
Marsham Older Peoples Project Charity
Mobile: 07703585329

Activate party

IS CELEBRATING 25 years on
!!!!!!!        !!!!!!!!!        !!!!!!!!!!
Please spread the word!

Former Market Garden Site  – w/c 15/5/23

From: Piers Cowley (

Dear Residents,

Next week we will finally start to felt and batten the roofs of plots 1 to 6.

The electricians and plumbers will continue to do the first fix to plots 1 to 6

A crane will be on site to lift up the first floor wall panels to plots 14,15 and 16.

the bricklayer should finish the sub structure blockwork to plot 10 with block and beam delivered on thursday.

The groundworker will commence dig and concrete to plot 11

Southern water will do our temporary water connection on the 16th



Work on Wood Field Recreation Ground/Childrens Playground

Dear resident

Next week on 15th May there will be a company making a site visit to the Activate Hut and surrounding area, in connection with the new Community Hub project.  

On 17th May there will be contractors working around the Activate Hut drilling holes in the ground for water testing purposes.  There is nothing to worry about.  The Parish Council know they are there

During the week there will also be contractors working in the Children’s Play area installing some new equipment.  So the playground will be out of bounds.

Please pass this information on to your friends, neighbours, other users of Wood Field and dog walkers etc who may not have access to the internet


Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish CouncilKerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

The Flying Fryer

Hi all just to let you know this is what you need to look out for, unfortunately no sign writing at the moment.
Yes will be out today, will be nice to see you all again.

P.s as this van is a little smaller we can only accommodate one person at a time or small family group.
Please do not stand waiting in the stair well, so people can get of safely.
Thank you

Temp water connection and sewer connection

From: Piers Cowley (

Dear Residents,

We have been booked in for our temporary water supply on the 16/5/2023 so the section of Lower Waites Lane adjacent to site will be closed for vehicles for half a day.

We are planning to do our foul water connection into the existing manhole at the bottom of The Avenue w/c 22/5/2023 and have allowed a week to carry out the works. We will endeavor to keep the traffic flowing.


Competition information

Hello Everyone,
Following the youth club’s post yesterday we thought you would like information on the 2 competitions taking place at our celebration party.

All taking place on Woodfield, Fairlight Recreation Ground. May 20th!!!

Cake making competition for all to enter:

 Make a CELEBRATION CAKE to be judged and then shared as we celebrate!

Prizes for Under 11’s, 12 – 16 years and 17 years & over.

Please have your cake, labelled & delivered between 3pm and 4pm to the Clubhouse on Woodfield, ready for judging at 4pm.


For all children aged 7 years and under.

Please be ready to show off your wonderful costumes

at 4.30pm in the marquee. Prizes for all!

Activate 25th birthday party

I hope that you are all aware that the youth club is about to celebrate 25 years here in Fairlight.We are now looking forward to celebrating on Saturday May 20th from 4pm onwards and we are including something for everybody whatever your age.  Please see the information here and decide:

  • Shall I enter the Celebration Cake competition?  (Drop off from 3pm – 4pm in the clubhouse for judging.) 
  • Shall I enter the fancy dress competition?
  • When shall we have a go at the taster Bowling with the Bowls Club?
  • Am I brave enough to try the Slack Line?
  • Etc, Etc!!!

Refreshments will be provided at a fair cost but there will NOT be a Bar so please bring your own drinks in the evening and a rug or chair to sit on would help.

Activate Youth Club Party

Celebrating 25 years!


From 4pm:   Bouncy Assault Course

                    Slack Line

Cake Competition Judging in the clubhouse

                    Taster Bowling with the Bowls Club

4.30pm:       Fancy Dress Competition

                    Silly Games

                    Tea & Cakes-sharing of donated cakes.

5pm:            BBQ

6pm:            Disco & Games with Bobby Vee

8pm:            Dancing with The Kytes

No Bar: Please bring your own drinks.

Teas, coffees, soft drinks available.

 And….. Ice creams and Candy Floss!


Fairlight Residents Association – Annual General Meeting – 24 May 23

From: Fairlight Residents Association (

Dear residents,

Our Annual General Meeting will be held in the village hall, on Wednesday 24th May. at 7.30.

The AGM business will be followed by a free glass of wine and a talk by a representative from Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat.  

We are always on the lookout for new committee members to keep the FRA fresh and alive to enable us to meet the needs of the village.  If you are interested in joining the committee or want to know more, please speak to Chris Smart of any of the committee, or come along to the AGM and chat to us there.

Please click this link for the FRA page where you will find the 2022 AGM minutes and the FRA constitution

Market Garden Site w/c 08/05/23

Dear Residents,

Another short week next week.

The trusses are complete on plots 1 to 6 with the facia ond soffits ongoing. The roofer will start felt and batten plot 6 on tuesday working towards plot 1.

We will also be starting m and e first fix next week in 1 to 6.

The sub structure blockwork is on going on plot 10 and the block and beam ongoing on plot 9.

The scaffold is ongoing on plots 14,15 and 16 with a crane booked for thursday to lift the first floor panels.

Open reach will commence the upgrade from site to Waites Lane as previously advised.



From: Robert Pasterfield

Local NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance sessions are being held this week at:

Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 3rd May

Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12noon on Friday, 5th May

If you have an NHS Hearing Aid come along to collect your free batteries and have your aids checked over, cleaned and retubed


This week is Deaf Awareness Week and charity East Sussex Hearing are holding events throughout the county.

Locally we are holding an Information Day in Hastings Town Centre (near Costa) on Thursday 4th May from 10am to 3pm. Join us to celebrate the Coronation and learn more about hearing loss.

We’re also at Rye Hub on Wednesday 10th May from 10am to 1pm.

For further information please call East Sussex Hearing on 01323 722505