Fairlight Gardening Club AGM

Fairlight Gardening Club 

To be held on Monday 6th February 2023,  commencing at 2.30, at Fairlight Village Hall where you may join, or renew your membership which is now £8 per household.

To help make our AGM and first meeting of the year a special occasion please bring something to share, sweet or savoury.
For more information please phone the membership secretary Cas Barlow 814229

Free Hearing Aid Batteries & Maintenance


It’s the first week of the month, so local NHS hearing aid maintenance sessions are being held this week at:

Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 1st February

Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 3rd February

Alan Care Funeral

Just to let everyone know that Alan Care (aged 69) passed away unexpectedly on 5th January 2023 from a viral infection/pneumonia after a short spell in hospital.

Funeral on Mon 6th February at 3.15pm at Hastings Crematorium then onto Conquerors March to continue a celebration of his life.

All friends welcome.  Wear what you like.  Alan didn’t dress up much so didn’t want anyone to, on his account.

Family flowers only, donations if wanted to Spinal Injuries Association via Ellis Bros, Rye – Funeral Directors. 

Café Refresh

Café Refresh, run by members of St Andrew’s Church, takes place every 3rd Thursday in St Peter’s Church Centre from 10.30-12.30. 

All are welcome to drop in for hot drinks and chat.  A range of home-made cakes, scones and sausage rolls is always available. 

Please join us on Thursday, 19 January – you will receive a warm welcome.

FRA 11th February Event – Tickets now available

Tickets are now on sale from the Fairlight Post Office.

Come and show your love for Fairlight and join the party with the well known local band, The Kytes.  It will help banish those winter blues away.

The event is raising funds for the new village sign, which is much needed after the old one did not stand the test of time.  An example of the new sign will be displayed at the event, so come along, have a good time whilst supporting the good cause and take a peek at the new sign, which will make you proud of the village you live in. 

New Year Party Cancelled

Sadly the New Year Party for Village Youngsters has been CANCELLED!
We are sorry about this but we have had several problems making it difficult for us to continue.

We advertised in the last FRA newsletter as well as here and on the village and Activate FB pages, the Fairlight website + posters but it doesn’t seem to be getting through to everybody.
I am sure now, we will be hearing how many youngsters were intending to come. So, I am pleased to tell you that we are putting all our resources into a celebration party with
Awesome Alfie and The Kytes for our  25th birthday on Saturday May 20th.

Don’t miss it!
Thank you to everyone who supports the Youth Club, especially The Bowls Club and Tennis Club who were supporting our party. 

Parish Council Annual Community Grants 2023/24


Fairlight Parish Council is pleased to announce the Annual Community Grants Scheme is now open!
Each year the Parish Council extends the opportunity to local community groups/clubs, charities or voluntary organisations to apply for a financial grant from the Parish Council.
The Grant Awarding Policy and applications forms are available to be downloaded from the Parish Council’s website -(fairlightparishcouncil.org.uk – under Document Library – Policies and Procedures Documents) or on request from the Parish Council’s Proper Officer. 
Completed applications forms and supporting documents should be returned to Pauline Collins, Proper Officer no later than Wednesday 1st March 2023.
If you require further information, then please contact Pauline Collins at the details below.Pauline

Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Fairlight Players Audition Notice

The Fairlight Player’s next production will be the Alan Ayckbourn comedy – Improbable Fiction. We will be holding auditions at 7.30pm on Thursday 12th January at Fairlight Village Hall. Here’s a bit about the play:

Apart from Ilsa, all characters are members of the Pendon Writers’ Circle, a group of aspiring writers who meet periodically to discuss their work.

Arnold – the host and chair of the group. Good natured and increasingly confused as the play unfolds.

Jess (historical romance) – a farmer. Not bad natured but somewhat course. She can be impatient and sarcastic.

Grace (children’s fiction) – Housewife. Timid and slightly pathetic, but not willing to be completely trampled upon.

Vivvi (crime fiction) – A journalist. Effusive and confident.

Clem (science-fiction) – A sci-fi nerd with only a modest grip of English grammar. Given to malapropism.

Brevis (musical) – Retired schoolteacher. Angry, annoying, argumentative.

Ilsa – A young girl (late teens/early twenties). Domestic help and carer for Arnold’s aged mother. Vivacious.

Note – although the above describes the normal character of the parts, the second half of the play includes multiple twists, causing individuals to act very out of character.
We can say no more without giving away some of the surprises. Suffice to say that this play demonstrates the vivid imagination of the writer at his anarchic best.

If you have any questions please email contact@fairlightplayers.org.uk

Parish Council – Planning and Finance Committee meeting – 10th January 2023

Dear resident

Happy new year

The agenda for the Finance and Administration Committee meeting can be found here. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 2.45pm in the Village Hall.

All are welcome to attend

Please could you also note that the Planning Committee on 10th January has been cancelled due to lack of business to discuss.


Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Free NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance & Free Batteries

Local NHS hearing aid maintenance sessions are being held this week at:

Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 4th January

Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12noon on Friday 6th January

Future dates for 2023 are:

– Pett Village Hall: First Wednesday of every month 10am to 11.30am

– Fairlight Village Hall: First Friday of every month 10am to 12noon

At these sessions new tubes can be fitted, batteries supplied and basic advice provided. The service is provided free of charge to NHS hearing aid users by trained volunteers from the charity East Sussex Hearing who support NHS Audiology across the county.

Sessions are also held once a month in Hastings, St Leonards, Rye and Bexhill.

For further details contact local charity East Sussex Hearing on 01323 722505

A New Group at the Village Hall

A new crafting group “Happy Ever Crafter” will meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2pm in the Village Hall.
Bring along any project you’re in the middle of, whether it’s leatherwork, stained glass, cross stitch, dressmaking or whatever your craft !
You’ll find a friendly forum with like-minded crafters willing to help, and space to spread out your work away from sticky fingers or sharp claws !
The first meeting is free, so come along on the 12th January, refreshments provided.

Contact Carol on 07967 396594 or Annette on 07703 585329

Fairlight Christmas Decorations – Correction

Sorry the previous e mail contained a couple of errors.
There is of course no 2b Knowle Road
The highly commended went to 2b Waites Lane.

I blame it on the Christmas spirit!!!! 

Here is the correct version

Many congratulations to everyone who has put Christmas decorations up in their front gardens this year.
We enjoyed going round the village both in daylight and at night to see them all. There were the traditional, the modern and the quirky. It all helps to make the village look festive and bring smiles to peoples faces.
It was difficult to choose “winners” but we did

Highly commended and enjoyed were   
   2b Waites Road that welcomes us to the village day and night
   44 Knowle Road, a wonder in white
   27 Lower Waites Lane , difficult to see at first but well done
   The ‘Elves’ on Hill road, a very clever use of posts

The winner is
   27 Woodland Way, stunning both day and night
The runner up is
   8 Knowle Road  stunning with a new twist

Knowle Road takes the commendation for the best road, well worth a walk down

Fairlight Christmas Decorations – Results

Many congratulations to everyone who has put Christmas decorations up it their front gardens this year.We enjoyed going round the village both in daylight and at night to see them all. There were the traditional, the modern and the quirky. It all helps to make the village look festive and bring smiles to peoples faces.
It was difficult to choose “winners” but we did

Highly commended and enjoyed were       
        2b Knowle Road that welcomes us to the village day and night
        44 Knowle Road, a wonder in white
        27 Lower Waites Lane , difficult to see at first but well done
        The ‘Elves’ on Hill road, a very clever use of posts

The winner who will receive a £50 cheque for the charity of their choice is
        27 Woodland Way, stunning both day and night
The runner up who will receive a £25 cheque for the charity of their choice is
        8 Knowle Road  stunning with a new twist

Knowle Road takes the commendation for the best road, well worth a walk down

Happy Christmas

Fairlight Parish Council

District Councillor Changes

Dear Resident,

In case you haven’t already heard Roger Bird resigned as a Rother District Councillor with effect from 13 December. Roger had represented Southern Rother Ward (and its predecessor) since about 2001.

The seat will remain vacant until the next District elections in May 2023. (There is no need for a by-election if there is less than six months until the next regular election).

I continue as the remaining ward councillor. 

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need help with any Rother District Council business.

Very Best wishes for a Happy Christmas


Cllr Andrew Mier

Southern Rother Ward, Rother District Council

(The villages of Fairlight Guestling, Icklesham, and Pett)
Mistral, Shepherds Way, Fairlight

Royal Mail Strike

Royal Mail Postal Strike 23 and 24 December.

Due to Health and Safety and storage issues over Christmas, Fairlight Post Office and Stores will not be accepting in any parcels on these two strike dates.
First post date after Christmas 28/12/2022.



Grit/Salt available

Dear resident

Now we are into the winter months can I remind residents that grit/salt is available in bins around the village. 
Also I have a few bags if you wish to collect one or two at the address below

Please help yourself from the pile outside my garage

Thank you

Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 


Everybody is welcome to join the carol singers who will be going out around Fairlight next  Monday 19th Dec.
Meet 5.30pm and also finish at Hair Base.
If you or anybody you know, would like us to come and sing outside your window please let us know. We will try to get to you.
Please let Wendy (familyhatch1@gmail.com) or Lisa at Hair Base know!!

Looks like we will have refreshments afterwards too!

Post Strikes

Good Afternoon Fairlight.
Just a reminder.

Royal Mail postal strike dates 14 & 15 December and 23 & 24 December.
Please post today first class for any chance of a pre Christmas delivery.
Thank you.
