Cliff Survey

Geography Project Questionnaire

Cranbrook School
Matthis Swinburne
Cranbrook School
Waterloo Road
TN17 3JD

A Fete Worse Than Death

We would love to see some new faces, so whether you fancy treading the boards or would like to be involved “backstage”, you’ll be most welcome.

Playing dates are 27-29 April.We look forward to seeing you.


Keith Miller (Chair)The Fairlight

Christmas lights and decorations

Parish Council – Planning Committee meeting

New Year’s Greetings from the Parish Council

Free NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance and Free Batteries

Advanced Warning



Parish Council Finance and Administration meeting

Come and join us to sing carols!

CCTV cameras

‘Village People’ December Meeting about the Market Garden site

Save Pett Level Lavatories – Deadline Sunday 17 Dec


2024/25 Budget Consultation – Financial…

Speeding in Fairlight

I had a meeting with Liz Green our village Speed watch coordinator and Bob Kenward the East Sussex Speed watch coordinator to discuss the problem of speeding in the village.We went round the village and placed six official speed awareness signs in appropriate places, these signs have been logged with Sussex Police and will remain in situ for 12 weeks as regulations allow.After that time signs will be placed in other locations including Battery Hill.
If you are concerned about speeding in our locality the speed watch team will be at the Safer Fairlight event on 16 January and there will be a chance to talk to them and get more information.
If you have a few hours a month free and are concerned about speeding in the locality you could join Liz and her speedwatch team to help raise awareness of the problem and educate speeding drivers. You will receive training and support from the police.

Issy Horsley

Fairlight Parish Council

Pathfinder Project

ESCC Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) consultation launched this week!