The Rother Planners will be here with lots of displays about the Local Plan. It’s your chance to ask questions before you send in your comments.
Parking Matters
Dear Residents For those of you who are interested in ‘Parked Vehicle Hotspots in the Village’ please find attached our last ‘Meeting Notes’ and ‘Action Plan’. We were pleased that representatives from Rother District Council, Fairlight Parish Council, Fairlight Residents
Fairfest YouTube video
To all those who couldn’t make it to the Fairfest event this past weekend, please see a short video that hopefully captures some highlights, and shows what you missed! Chris Smart
Parish Council – Finance & Administration Committee
Dear resident Please click the link for the agenda for the Parish Council Finance and Administration meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd July at 7pm in the Village Hall This is an open meeting and members of the Public
Thank you from the Fairfest Committee
FAIRFEST The Fairfest Committee would like to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who helped in any way to make this year’s FAIRFEST a success. If you were the person who organised the weather 🌞 we are especially grateful! We welcome
Forthcoming works: Woodland Way
Dear Resident, Please see the forwarded information below. Andrew Subject:Upcoming works: Woodland Way, Fairlight Good afternoon, I am writing to inform you of upcoming footway and carriageway works on Woodland Way, Fairlight. These works are being carried out between Wednesday
Market Garden Survey
Dear Residents,Our lobby group Village People was set up in response to issues with the Market Garden Construction Site, Lower Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove TN35 4DB from June 2022. We are seeking to hold the Developers and Local Authorities to
Fairlight Parish Council – Community Infrastructure Levy
Dear resident Please find attached a notice in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy monies received by Fairlight Parish Council. ThanksPauline Mrs P CollinsProper Officer and Responsible Financial OfficerFairlight Parish Council Kerri,35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AXTel: 07487 822729 Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.comWorking
Cakes for Fairfest
Hello Fairlight!Activate Y.C are responsible for the teas and cakes at FAIRFEST 2024. But WE NEED HELP!If anybody could offer to bake a cake or perhaps help serve during the Sunday afternoon please contact us or familyhatch1@gmail.comSee the poster attached.Many thanks in anticipation.
Parish Council Newsletter
Fairlight Astronomers Meeting
Dear Stargazers! The Fairlight Astronomers will be meeting on Thursday 13th June at 7:00pm in the Village Hall. The event will be open to all residents who share an interest in the night skies that we have here in Fairlight. The
Hearing Aid Maintenance – This Week
FREE NHS HEARING AID BATTERIES & MAINTENANCE Local NHS hearing aid maintenance sessions are being held this week at: Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 5th June Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 7th June Remember that for peak
D-Day Fish & Chip Lunch
You can get your tickets for the Fish & Chip Lunch from DISH on Monday, or contact me on 07967 396594 or by email at
New playground equipment
We are pleased to announce that the new slide and toddler swings in the play park have been inspected and passed so they are now fully open.Do go up and test them out with your little ones! Fairlight Parish Council
Fairfest 2024
ARC Membership Renewal
I am finally catching up with paperwork after our very successful event on the 30th April. We had 70 people attend Lorna Vahey’s talk on her unique and talented parents, Fred and Zoe. If you couldn’t make it we did manage
Finance and Administration Committee meeting 4th June 2024
Dear residentPlease click here for the agenda for the Parish Council Finance and Administration meeting to be held on Tuesday 4th June at 7pm in the Village HallThis is an open meeting and members of the Public are welcome to
FPC Planning Committee Meeting – 3rd June 2024
Dear resident Please click here for the agenda for the Parish Council Planning Committee meeting to be held on Monday 3rd June at 4pm in the Village Hall This is an open meeting and members of the Public are welcome
Pett Level Lavatories
Dear Resident, I’m happy to say that the Pett Level lavatories have reopened, at least for the summer. They were very busy when I visited today (Sunday). The reopening has been made possible by agreement between Rother and Pett Parish
Battery hill road closure
This morning I contacted East Sussex Highways regarding the forthcoming Battery Hill Road closure, as some folk I have spoken to thought the closure was overnight, whilst others thought it was continuous for 4 days. Here is their reply….and thank
CPR Demonstration
Learn a skill to save a life Fairlight Community First Responders are holding a CPR and Defibrillator demonstration on Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm at Hairbase. We will show you when and how to carry out CPR and use a defibrillator Did
Activate Y.C.
For your information Activate Youth Club is meeting next week and then we have a week off for half term. However, some of our youngsters will be off to camp. We then gather again the following week for a variety of activities,
FPC Planning Committee meeting – 21/05/24
Dear resident Please click here for the agenda for the FPC Planning Committee meeting. I have also attached a poster advertising this meeting which includes details of the RDC Local Plan which will be discussed. This is a meeting held
Exciting Day at DISH
Parish Council Newsletter – May 2024
New FRA Logo
Dear residents We are proud to unveil our new logo. If you would like to adopt this logo for your Club, Association or Society please contact Fairlight Residents. Kind Regards FRA Committee
Food Bank
Church Tower Open Tomorrow
Dear Fairlight Residents, Just to let you know the Church Tower will be open Sunday afternoon between 1pm-4.30pm. It’s looking like good weather so the view should be a good one and the kettle will be on. God bless,Sandi Revd
FRA Annual Subscription – Reminder
If you have not already done so, this is a reminder that the FRA annual membership subscription for 2024-25 is now overdue. The subscription is £8 for the year. If you have not paid by the date of the AGM (22 May), you
NOTICE OF AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FAIRLIGHT RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Notice is hereby given, that for the following purposes, Fairlight Residents Association 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at Fairlight Village Hall on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.30pm: 1. To receive the accounts for the year ended 2023