The Rother Planners will be here with lots of displays about the Local Plan.
It’s your chance to ask questions before you send in your comments.
The Rother Planners will be here with lots of displays about the Local Plan.
It’s your chance to ask questions before you send in your comments.
Dear Residents
For those of you who are interested in ‘Parked Vehicle Hotspots in the Village’ please find attached our last ‘Meeting Notes’ and ‘Action Plan’.
We were pleased that representatives from Rother District Council, Fairlight Parish Council, Fairlight Residents Association, Fairlight Preservation Trust, Fairlight Village Hall, Fairlight Pavilion and Lower Waites Lane Maintenance Association were able to join us and participate in resolving the issues. Along with our local journalist Keith Pollard.
If you require more information or would like to get involved, please email or phone on 01424 812038.
Best wishes,
To all those who couldn’t make it to the Fairfest event this past weekend, please see a short video that hopefully captures some highlights, and shows what you missed!
Chris Smart
Dear resident
Please click the link for the agenda for the Parish Council Finance and Administration meeting to be held on Tuesday 2nd July at 7pm in the Village Hall
This is an open meeting and members of the Public are welcome to attend
Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729 Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
The Fairfest Committee would like to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who helped in any way to make this year’s FAIRFEST a success.
If you were the person who organised the weather 🌞 we are especially grateful!
We welcome any positive feedback 😀
The Fairfest Committee
Dear Resident,
Please see the forwarded information below.
Subject:Upcoming works: Woodland Way, Fairlight
Good afternoon,
I am writing to inform you of upcoming footway and carriageway works on Woodland Way, Fairlight.
These works are being carried out between Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July.
This is the second phase of our concrete road refurbishment programme.
Works will include :
· Targeted concrete bay repairs
· Iron works (replacement or adjustment)
· Kerbing and footway repairs
· Road Marking reinstatement
· Some areas of the carriageway may need to be barriered off over night to allow materials to cure.
There may be delays between 8am and 5pm
Dear Residents,
Our lobby group Village People was set up in response to issues with the Market Garden Construction Site, Lower Waites Lane, Fairlight Cove TN35 4DB from June 2022.
We are seeking to hold the Developers and Local Authorities to account for compliance within planning consent, building regulations and various laws.
We hope you will spare 20 minutes to fill in this survey, so your voice is heard:
Your answers will be anonymous.
If you would prefer to complete the survey on paper or via email please contact
Thank you.
Dear resident
Please find attached a notice in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy monies received by Fairlight Parish Council.
Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council Kerri,
35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729 Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Hello Fairlight!
Activate Y.C are responsible for the teas and cakes at
If anybody could offer to bake a cake or perhaps help serve during the Sunday
afternoon please contact us on or
See the poster attached.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Dear Stargazers!
The Fairlight Astronomers will be meeting on Thursday 13th June at 7:00pm in the Village Hall. The event will be open to all residents who share an interest in the night skies that we have here in Fairlight.
The evening will comprise of two short talks, “processing your star images”, and “how to set up a telescope”. As usual, light refreshments will be served during the break.
A small entry fee of £3.00 per person, or £5.00 per couple is asked for to offset hall hire charges.
We look forward to seeing as many keen stargazers as possible!
Chris Smart
07947 766 999
Local NHS hearing aid maintenance sessions are being held this week at:
Pett Village Hall between 10am and 11.30am on Wednesday 5th June
Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 7th June
Remember that for peak performance hearing aids should be re-tubed every 4 to 6 months
You can get your tickets for the Fish & Chip Lunch from DISH on Monday, or contact me on 07967 396594 or by email at
We are pleased to announce that the new slide and toddler swings in the play park have been inspected and passed so they are now fully open.
Do go up and test them out with your little ones!
Fairlight Parish Council
I am finally catching up with paperwork after our very successful event on the 30th April. We had 70 people attend Lorna Vahey’s talk on her unique and talented parents, Fred and Zoe. If you couldn’t make it we did manage to record some of it so do drop by the ARC room on a Thursday afternoon between 2-4 to view it. We will also update our website with additional photos and paintings from the presentation, so look out for them.
As you know, we are a not-for-profit group but we do have to find money to pay our rent, broadband, insurance, website service, etc. We are very fortunate to have ongoing support from the three Parish Councils and this year we have had a donation from the Pett Flower Show and the Fairlight Residents Association. However, it helps enormously to show we have the support from individuals from our three communities too. It also means volunteers can spend less time on raising funds and more time on cataloguing the more than 5,000 items we have, which is a time-consuming task.
Remember you can help us in other ways too, such as using any of your past skills as a volunteer, scanning and cataloguing what we have (this can be done from home once you are trained) or sorting through your photos, keepsakes, etc. that show our past history. And, of course, our present history will become our past history!
The ARC is a labour of love to make sure we secure those past images and memories for future residents when we are long gone. Our aim is also to give everyone easy access to those records by opening on Thursday afternoons, or if we can, by request. You are welcome, as a Friend, to browse what we have even if it is not yet catalogued.
If you would like to help us by becoming a Friend, I have attached a membership form.
If you wish to be removed from receiving emails, please also let me know.
Many thanks.
Fran Rogers
Located at Pett Methodist Church
Tel: 01424 813533 (please leave a message)
Dear resident
Please click here for the agenda for the Parish Council Finance and Administration meeting to be held on Tuesday 4th June at 7pm in the Village Hall
This is an open meeting and members of the Public are welcome to attend
Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729 Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Dear resident
Please click here for the agenda for the Parish Council Planning Committee meeting to be held on Monday 3rd June at 4pm in the Village Hall
This is an open meeting and members of the Public are welcome to attend
Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729 Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Dear Resident,
I’m happy to say that the Pett Level lavatories have reopened, at least for the summer. They were very busy when I visited today (Sunday).
The reopening has been made possible by agreement between Rother and Pett Parish Council which I welcome.
Best wishes,
Cllr Andrew Mier
This morning I contacted East Sussex Highways regarding the forthcoming Battery Hill Road closure, as some folk I have spoken to thought the closure was overnight, whilst others thought it was continuous for 4 days.
Here is their reply….and thank goodness it is only overnight closures!
Ann Hohenkerk
Thank you for contacting East Sussex Highways.
The permit is for 4 nights
28/5/2024 to 31/5/2024
20:00 to 04:00 each night
The closure will only be in place for the nights and times indicated above.
If you have any other concerns, please contact us by phone on 0345 60 80 193 or via our website at
Many thanks
Learn a skill to save a life
Fairlight Community First Responders are holding a CPR and Defibrillator demonstration on Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm at Hairbase.
We will show you when and how to carry out CPR and use a defibrillator
Did you know that 80 percent of cardiac arrests happen in the home?
Would you know what to do if that happened to a loved one?
If you’d like to learn, come along to Hairbase at 7.30 Tuesday 21st May and find out how to administer CPR and use a defibrillator – it’s not scary and you could make a huge difference to someone’s chances of survival
Fairlight CFRs
For your information Activate Youth Club is meeting next week and then we have a week off for half term. However, some of our youngsters will be off to camp. We then gather again the following week for a variety of activities, games and more!
This would not happen without the dedication of our wonderful staff, who come along on a rota basis to lead our young people
We are now looking for more folk who would like to come along and be part of the team. There are two ways in which you could help:
1. As a youth leader/helper at club nights. This would be about 3 times per term on the rota.
2. As part of the management team. The team meets about 3 or 4 times a year.The next management meeting is Thursday June 13th, 7.30pm at the clubhouse on the recreation ground.
All staff need a DBS check but this can be organised.
Please contact us if you have any queries or would like to volunteer at:
Thank you
Dear resident
Please click here for the agenda for the FPC Planning Committee meeting. I have also attached a poster advertising this meeting which includes details of the RDC Local Plan which will be discussed.
This is a meeting held in Public If you have any questions or comments to put to this meeting please could you let me know in advance.
Mrs P Collins
Proper Officer and Responsible Financial Officer
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729 Email:
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Dear residents
We are proud to unveil our new logo. If you would like to adopt this logo for your Club, Association or Society please contact Fairlight Residents.
Kind Regards
FRA Committee
Dear Fairlight Residents,
Just to let you know the Church Tower will be open Sunday afternoon between 1pm-4.30pm. It’s looking like good weather so the view should be a good one and the kettle will be on.
God bless,
Revd Sandi Wickens
Priest in Charge
Westfield, Guestling, and Fairlight
Telephone 07395 106514
If you have not already done so, this is a reminder that the FRA annual membership subscription for 2024-25 is now overdue. The subscription is £8 for the year.
If you have not paid by the date of the AGM (22 May), you will not be able to receive the June magazine and will be taken off the email scheme.
You can pay either via online banking (preferable) or by cash or cheque.
Online banking
Account: Fairlight Residents Association
Sort Code: 60-10-15
Account No: 60707666
Ref : ‘Your address’ ( house name / number & road name, not post code)
Cash or Cheque
Cheque payable to: Fairlight Residents Association.
Post or deliver to Membership Secretary, Harlo, Hill Road, TN35 4AE.
Or you can drop it off at the:
Please provide name and address details.
Thank you
Notice is hereby given, that for the following purposes, Fairlight Residents Association 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at Fairlight Village Hall on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.30pm:
1. To receive the accounts for the year ended 2023
2. To elect Committee Members and officers
3. To update the constitution of the FRA in line with current guidelines
4. To provide an opportunity for Member’s feedback
By order of the Committee
Dated : 1.5.24
If you have anything that you wish to be included on the agenda you are requested to email Chris Smart (Chairman) at by noon of Wednesday 8th May 2024