Flea Market Today

Just a reminder that Fairlight’s Flea Market will be open TODAY Sunday (23rd) between 11 am – 3 pm in the Village Hall.

1000’s of items, both new and second-hand, from small furniture to table lamps, bric a brac, handmade jewellery, linen, clothes, art and crafts, and much, much more.

So come along, join the fun, and pick up a few bargains!

Admission is free and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

Fairlight War Memorial talk

A reminder that there is a talk by Haydon Luke and Paul Draper, on the Fairlight War Memorial. It is this Saturday, 22 October. 

Tickets are on sale at the Post Office and on the door. 
Proceeds will go to the War Memorial Fund, therefore come along and listen to an interesting talk and support a good cause at the same time. 

Fairlight Preservation Trust AGM

(registered charity number 1107169)

Annual General Meeting

 Sunday 13 November 2022 at 2.30pm in Fairlight Village Hall

The Annual General Meeting of the FPT will be held on SUNDAY 13 November 2022 at 2.30pm to transact the following business:

1. Welcome and apologies for absence.

2. Approval of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 21 November 2021.

3. Chairman’s report on activities over the past year.

4. Report on the Fairlight maintenance programme and related matters.

5. Planning and development along the cliffs.

6. Treasurer’s report, approval of the Accounts for the year to 31 March 2022.

7. Election of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee.

8. Any other business

New members are very welcome to join us. Please contact Jill Lewing at jill.lewing@btinternet.com to join or renew your membership.

Copies of the Accounts are available on request and will be sent to Members by email if requested.                                              

The CommitteeNominations are invited for members willing to serve on the Committee. Such nominations require a signed form which can be obtained from the Chairman, David Shortman (Norton Oak, The Avenue, Fairlight) and must be returned by Saturday 5 November 2022.

We look forward to seeing as many existing and new members as possible on Sunday 13 November at 2.30pm.                       

                                 Dr Ruth Kosmin    Secretary

Warm Up Fairlight – Jempsons

The Jempson Foundation are very pleased to donate to Warm Up Fairlight, an initiative in conjunction with the Parish Council, Marsham Older Peoples Project, the Local Church and Fairlight Residents Association.

“Starting this Monday, we will be opening the Village Hall in Fairlight to welcome those struggling with living costs and provide a warm, safe space for people to enjoy a cuppa, a slice of cake or even lunch on us. Open 10-4pm every Monday and Wednesday, everyone is welcome, including those who don’t live in Fairlight, for a friendly chat or support during these difficult times. Thank you to Jempson’s and to our sponsors who have made this possible.” Pauline, Parish Clerk @fairlightparishcouncil

For more information, contact Pauline Collins at fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com 07487822729

Planning Application – RR/2022/2315/P – Bairns Bourne, Sea Road, Fairlight TN35 4DR

Dear resident

Due to the delay in the posting of the pink planning notification notice at this property, Fairlight Parish Council requested an extension to the consultation period. Rother District Council has agreed to this and the 21 day consultation period will now commence from today. 

If you wish to make comments on this application please visit the following link


Thank you

Mrs P Collins
Clerk and RFO
Fairlight Parish CouncilKerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

Pygmalion, 10th – 12th November

Dear Members and Friends

I am pleased to announce that tickets for Pygmalion are now available to purchase either via Fairlight Post Office or online at www.fairlightplayers.org.uk

Alternatively, you can phone our ticket hotline on 07377 915741.

All the feedback that we have received suggests that this is likely to be a very popular production so don’t delay … purchase your tickets as soon as possible.

Posters will be ready for distribution with the next day or two, so you have a slight head start before the world gets to know.

If you are able to display a poster, or are willing to assist with distribution, please let Lucy know at contact@fairlightplayers.org.uk

Specific appeals will go out in a little while for people to help with building the set, and with hospitality during the performances. However, if you wish to volunteer your services, it’s never too early to offer.

One way or another, we look forward to seeing you.

With best wishes


Keith Miller (Chair)

The Fairlight Players


Fairlight Parish Council Newsletter

October 2022

What’s happened in September


  • would like to welcome Ron Fellows-Turnbull as a new co-opted Parish Councillor.  Currently he is a Councillor without portfolio so he can ease himself into the role for the next few months before taking on some responsibilities.
  • has signed up to the NALC Civility and Respect Pledge.  
  • have been awarded a grant towards the cost of new playground equipment, which will be ordered shortly.
  • has decided to arrange for 6 cuts to the ‘urban’ verges in the village for next year
  • have initiated jointly with the Friday Lunch Club (MOPP), St Andrews Church group, the Village Hall Committee and the Fairlight Residents Association, a project called Warm Up Fairlight (details below).
  • have launched a project named Christmas Cracker which is well under way (details below)
  • Planning Committee has been planning its response to the new planning application for the Market Garden site.
  • War Memorial Group has finally got all the permissions they need and have ordered the stone for the memorial.
  • have booked tree maintenance work on Knowle Wood which will take place on 10th and 11th October.
  • held a Freshers Fair alongside the jigsaw puzzle sale which raised funds for the village hall and awareness of some of the clubs and groups in the village.


Don’t use the slide! The slide in the play area of Wood Field Recreation Ground is corroded and in a potentially dangerous condition. The Parish Council have taken advice and made the decision to take it out of commission. The slide will be either repaired or replaced as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do not let your children attempt to play on it.

Tree maintenance work on Knowle Wood will take place on 10th and 11th October 2022.  Please be careful when walking through the Wood as the contractors will have chainsaws and a mobile chipper.

Hastings Athletic Football Club have started playing under 11’s matches on Wood Field at weekends and Carly’s Forest School has started using Knowle Wood for their activities.  Keep your eyes on the notice boards etc. if you wish to book on to one of Carly’s events.


The Fairlight Residents Association are now looking into taking the village sign project forward.


Warm Up Fairlight will start on Monday 17th October in the Village Hall. On Wednesdays we will be using the premises at St Peter Church as the village hall is being used, and on Fridays the small hall will be available for WUF for anyone who wants to come along. Everyone is welcome.

Each session is for all ages. We will start at 10am and run until 4pm. Come along for the whole day or just part of it. Refreshments will be available all day and a light lunch from 12 until 1.

Volunteers are also needed, not necessarily every week but we will have a Rota so you can give as much or as little time as you can.


Fairlight Christmas Cracker is a Parish Council project which will provide a traditional Christmas Day for the residents of Fairlight, including Christmas lunch, games, the King’s Speech, carols and much more.

It will be open to anyone, individuals and families of all ages, who would otherwise not be celebrating Christmas with others, you can spend the whole day, or pop in and out as the mood takes you.

Anyone wishing to help out or to book a place at the lunch table can contact Carol on 07967 396594 or by email cllrcsharpe.fairlightpc@gmail.com or find us on the community website fairlight.org.uk


The flu jab clinic has been booked for the Village Hall for the end of October for Harold Road patients. Anyone who is eligible can also go to the local pharmacies to get their flu jabs without an appointment. Those eligible for a Covid booster need to make an appointment at one of the vaccination centres.


There is a phone number for any emergencies at the Hastings Country Park This is a land line but is transferred to a mobile out of hours. The number is available on the Parish Council website or on the outside door of the Bale House.

Issy Horsley – Chair of Fairlight Parish Council    Email: cllrihorsley.fairlightpc@gmail.com

Clerk to the Council: Pauline Collins 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings,
East Sussex, TN35 4AX
07487 822729   Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com

Parish council Committee meetings w/c 10th October 2022

Dear resident

Please note the details of three Parish Council committee meetings due to be held week commencing 10th October 2022
Planning – Tuesday 11th October at 2.30 pm in the Village Hall
Finance  – Tuesday 11th October at 2.45 pm in the Village Hall
Community Hub (Faircomm) – Thursday 13th October at 7pm – CANCELLED
Agendas for these meetings can be found here and all are invited.  If you have any questions please let me know


Mrs P Collins
Clerk and RFO
Fairlight Parish Council
Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings. TN35 4AX
Tel: 07487 822729  Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com
Working days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

Newspaper Deliveries

Dear Customers of Fairlight Post Office and Stores

Many of you will have been affected by the continual late delivery of daily newspapers to us over the last few weeks.

When Leonie and I moved to Fairlight just over six years ago, newspapers were delivered to us by 6am each day without fail. Over the last few years, this delivery service has deteriorated significantly with our supplier Menzies Distribution now struggling to deliver to us before 8.30am in the morning. These late deliveries are costing us significantly in lost custom and turnover. This is unsustainable for a small business of our nature.

Unfortunately, Menzies Distribution have a monopoly in our area and we are unable to change our supplier.

At this time, we are in discussions with our supplier and other affected local businesses to try and resolve this matter as quickly as possible. Rest assures, we are all suffering your pain at the moment.

Please continue to support us through this difficult period. We are doing the best that we can under difficult circumstances.

We would also offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience that this issue beyond our control is causing.

Graeme & Leonie

NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance & Replacement Batteries


Local NHS hearing aid maintenance sessions are being held this week at:

Pett Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Wednesday 5th October

Fairlight Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Friday 7th October

Sessions are also held once a month in Hastings, St Leonards, Rye and Bexhill. 

For further details contact local charity East Sussex Hearing on 01323 722505

Open Evening this Wednesday

Just a quick reminder that the Fairlight Players are holding an Open Evening this Wednesday from 7.30pm.
The evening will include one or two surprises, and will give you a glimpse behind the scenes to see what goes into presenting our twice-yearly productions.
Plus tickets will be on sale for our November production of Pygmalion, so why not kill two birds with one stone and reserve your seats for what promises to be a cracking show?

We hope to see you there.

With best wishes


Keith Miller (Chair)
The Fairlight Players

Warm Up Fairlight

Warm Up Fairlight is going to start on Monday October 17 th

We would like to deliver a leaflet to every household in Fairlight in the next week so everyone is aware of what is happening and has a chance to come along  and join us for the whole day or just drop in for a chat and a cup of tea, or volunteer to help.

If you are able to deliver a few leaflets to local houses we would be very grateful.
It could be just a few or more if you feel able, it is just a case of putting them through the front door, or in the letterbox.

If you are able to help please e mail cllrihorsley.fairlightpc@gmail.com
or phone  or text 07803 939771 and leave a message.

The leaflets can be delivered to you for distribution

Many Thanks 

The Warm Up Fairlight Group

Market garden site

Comments on the Market Garden site new planning applicationAlthough the deadline for making comments about the new plans For the Market Garden site has passed, comments may still be posted.

So if you haven’t commented and wish to there are details of the issues on the parish council website fairlightparishcouncil.org.uk

Comments can be made on the Rother District Council website planning applications page the reference number for the application is RR/2022/2069/P

Cllr Issy Horsley

Market Garden Site – Planning Application – RR/2022/2069/P

Dear Resident,

Market Garden Site – Planning Application – RR/2022/2069/P

You are probably aware of an undecided planing application by the developers of the Market Garden Site in Lower Waites Lane.

The effect of the application would be to move two of the 16 houses 5.7 metres to the east and extend the “wildlife area” to the east and south. 

This would result in a reduction in size of “The Courtyard” which serves as a turning point for vehicles as well as an open space in an otherwise dense development. It would result in the removal of a couple of car parking places and the probable loss of cycle parking places. The storage for waste bins would be moved.

There is still time to make comments to Rother planners. Comments made after the stated closing date will be considered, though I would encourage you to comment as soon as possible

A problem has arisen about comments which refer to protected species. Such references are being redacted (blanked out) or not appearing on Rother’s website at all. This is inconvenient but in the interests of the protected species. I am assured that even where such comments do not appear on the website they will be considered by officers. Perhaps the best thing is for comments relating to protected species to be made as a separate submission from other comments and headed “confidential”. That way your comments on other aspects of the development will appear on the public website.

Comments can be made on-line at https://www.rother.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/viewing-applications-decisions-and-appeals-online/commenting-on-planning-applications/

using ref RR/2022/2069/P or by writing to The Town Hall, Bexhill TN39 3JX

I have “called in” this application, which means it will be decided by elected members of the planning committee, not by officers. The committee hearing could be as early as November. As a member of the planning committee I cannot form a settled view on the application without considering all the arguments for and against, which will include your own comments.

Best wishes,

Cllr Andrew Mier

Postal Strikes

There is a Royal Mail postal strike today and tomorrow. No mail will be collected from Fairlight on these days.

We have also been advised that Royal Mail are expecting 19 days of strikes in October and November. There are also likely to be more strike days in December.

The message at the moment is post as early as possible leading up to Christmas to ensure mail is delivered in time.

Thank you 
Graeme Gambrell 

£20 & £50 notes

With effect from 30 September 2022, old paper £20 and £50 notes are no longer legal tender and cannot be used to pay for products and services. Fairlight Post Office and Stores can no longer accept these notes in payment for goods and services.

Please take any old paper £20 and £50 notes to your bank where you will be able to pay into your bank account.

Thank you
Graeme Gambrell

Flu Clinics

I have heard from Harold Road Surgery that they will be doing Flu clinics in Fairlight for their Fairlight patients. Details will follow by text. The clinics will be later in October.
The local pharmacies also offer free flu vaccination to those who are eligible.

Issy Horsley
Fairlight Parish Council


The cost of energy per unit will increase on 1st October. If you don’t have a smart meter then don’t rely on estimated billing as you could be charged more for energy that you’ve already used.


Cllr Carl Maynard District and County Councillor

Harvest Festival at St Andrew’s

We will be celebrating Harvest Festival this Sunday (2 October) at St Andrew’s Church at 11am. Everyone is welcome to join us.

This will be the first time Rev Sandi Wickens takes our service. It will be an informal time with some traditional Harvest hymns.

This year we will be supporting the Hastings Foodbank with our Harvest gifts. A list of items needed is below. 

Valerie Hornsby









Most of our Committee have been working to stabilize and preserve the cliffs for this village for nearly 30 years and we could do with some more, dare I say it, younger members. We could really do with the whole village’s support. This is a lovely village and worth saving.

We will have a table at the FAIRLIGHT FRESHERS FAIR, this Saturday so please pick up an application form and join. It is only £10 pp for three years.

If I am not at the table, I may be helping Trevor with jigsaws so come and find me for more information; message me for an application form, or look on Fairlight.org.uk, where we have a lot of photos of building the third berm, and information on latest developments.

Jill Lewing

Membership Secretary

Bale House Application

The Bale House – Hastings Country Park
There has been an application to extend the opening hours for the Bale House. It is said to be for community and educational use.
The Parish Council Planning Committee has agreed to support this proposal on condition that it is only open for a certain number of nights per month. This would reduce the disruption to wildlife and residents.
If you wish to comment on this application, please visit the Hastings Borough Council website. The application number is HS/FA/22/0060.

Don’t Forget The Freshers Fair And Jigsaw Sale

Village Hall, Saturday, 10am-1pm

Come along and meet representatives from some of the groups that meet regularly in Fairlight.

The Parish council will also be there with information about Faircomm, the new community Hub, Warm Up Fairlight, Fairlight Christmas Cracker, Woodfield and Knowle Wood maintenance

Current planning issues including the new application for the market garden site

It will be a good chance to meet people and discuss any issues.

There is also a sale of a Giant Sale of Jigsaw puzzles and Refreshments.

All proceeds will go to the Village Hall

Spare seats for TOMORROW’s trip

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Wednesday 21st September at Theatre Royal, BRIGHTON

With a star-studded cast

Hi everyone,

I have 2 spare seats returned for this trip TOMORROW where people cannot make the trip.

I know some of you are going already and some have declined, but this was the quickest way to send to all.

The cost is £46pp. Leaving the Circle at 10.15am for the matinee performance at 2.30pm, with time to see a bit of Brighton.  Return at 8.00pm with time to eat after the show.

Please let me know if you are interested asap.  01424 812340

Come and see the beloved film and best-selling novel as a brand-new stage show.

Based on the Sunday Times bestseller which inspired one of this century’s most treasured films, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel takes us on a journey to India with an eclectic group of British retirees as they embark on a new life. The luxury residence is far from the opulence they were promised, but as their lives begin to intertwine and they embrace the vibrancy of modern-day India, they are charmed in unexpected and life-changing ways.

Starring Hayley Mills, Paul NicholasRula Lenska, Andy de la Tour (Oliver Twist), Rekha John-Cheriyan (Tomb Raider) and Marlene Sidaway(Coronation Street).

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a joyous comedy about taking risks, finding love and embracing second chances, even in the most surprising of places.




Fairlight Parish Council Newsletter



Now that the long and very hot summer has passed, we can restart normal activities. With that in mind the Parish Council are planning an event in the Village Hall where you can see the various groups and societies that meet regularly in the village and hopefully join in or volunteer. This event will be held on Saturday 24th September from 10 am until 1pm. Refreshments will be available, and also an opportunity to buy jigsaw puzzles.  You will also be able to chat with the Community First Responders, and get some tips on how to get up if you fall, and have a go at CPR.


The Parish Councillors met informally last month primarily to look at the five-year action plan and update it with a view to setting the budget for next financial year. The budget for 2023/4 will be discussed during the autumn at the Finance and Administration Committee and Parish Council meetings before being finally adopted in January 2023.


Wood Field and Knowle Wood are now being used for some organised activities as well as by residents for recreation. Hastings Athletic Football Club will be using Wood Field on Saturday (and possibly Sunday) mornings for under 12’s football matches during the football season and then for two evenings a week for training. Also, Carly’s Forest School will be using Knowle Wood for its activities mainly with pre-school children.  Both groups will be advertising around the village giving times of sessions etc. 

Please be vigilant if exercising your dogs and pick up after them especially on Wood Field and in Knowle Wood. Also, we are looking to facilitate a group of volunteers to help with the maintenance of these areas.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the Parish Clerk. 


The owners of the Market Garden site have submitted a revised planning application because the badger’s set has increased in size. The proposal to deal with this is to the reduce the number of parking spaces and the size of the enclosed bin store. This application will be discussed at the next Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday September 13th at 2.30pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend.  The RDC planning reference no. is RR/2022/2069/P and the original planning reference no. is RR/2017/457/P.  In addition, the Bale House has submitted an application to extend its opening hours; this will also be discussed. The reference number on Hasting Borough Council’s planning site is HS/FA/22/00601. Please also feel free to add your comments or concerns onto the Rother District Council or Hastings Borough Council planning sites. These are always helpful.


With the well publicised rises in the cost of living, the Parish Council will be looking into ways of helping those badly affected in our locality. We will be working in conjunction with local groups, organisation and ask any individuals who wish to help please contact the Parish Clerk. Details of further plans/events will be published shortly. 


The Parish Council needs some residents to step forward and volunteer to work closely with us, either as Parish Councillors, as members of one of our committees or as an advisor that we can consult with on particular problems/projects. All Parish Councillors will be up for re-election in May 2023, so anyone who comes forward now wishing to be co-opted as a Parish Councillor would be able to see how we work before the next election. Anyone with skills or experience that they think might be of use to the Parish Council please contact Pauline, the Parish Clerk, or Issy Horsley, Chair for an informal chat.

Issy Horsley – Chair of Fairlight Parish Council            Email: cllrihorsley.fairlightpc@gmail.com

Clerk to the Council: Pauline Collins 35 Waites Lane, Fairlight, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4AX  Tel: 07487 822729
Email: fairlightparishcouncil@gmail.com